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n Missile Defense #11226 - rshow55 Feb 4, 2002 08:00 am
The reference Mazza cited above mazza9 2/3/02 5:01pm is much appreciated, and refers to an impressive web site for the Center for Adaptive Optics

This schematic diagram of the process involved in adaptive optics is very good, and I hope people look at it carefully. I expect to be referring to it again.

Below the diagram, from the same site, is this passage:

"The most basic systems use a point source of light as a reference beacon, whose light is used to probe the shape of the wavefronts...

n Missile Defense #11175 - rshow55 Feb 1, 2002 09:42 pm
Call it 2 megawatts - and 24' diameter beam (at the source) -- that's 686 watts/cm2 at the source for 100% absorbtion.

That's 13.7 watts/cm2 for 2% absorbtion, or 1.37 watts/cm2 for .2% absorbtion at the source.

Now how small is the optical dispersion over a hundred miles?..

n Missile Defense #11173 - rshow55 Feb 1, 2002 07:25 pm
Mazza, as I recall the record of the "facts" you cite - - I'm inclined to lose interest. But when you say:

" You've got the links read the facts! "

you act like you have some confidence in your links and facts...

n Missile Defense #11148 - rshow55 Jan 31, 2002 04:13 pm
MD1112 gisterme 1/29/02 5:58pm includes this:

"Once again I say, this laser stuff is all BS anyway since it has no bearing on the BMD system currently being tested."

I disagree with gisterme on this, and I think the evidence of some of his other postings indicates he doesn't discount the significance of the laser stuff either.

Last year, Russia hosted a meeting on the militarization of space - something like 104 countries attended. The United States did not...

n Missile Defense #11112 - gisterme Jan 29, 2002 05:58 pm
rshow55 1/22/02 8:23pm

"...The more noise you make, gisterme , the easier it is for me be stand up to your "challenge.""

So do it, Robert!... But, why should how much noise I make have anything to do with how easy it is for you to "stand up to the challenge"? My noise level has nothing to do with the physical prolems involved...

n Missile Defense #11011 - lchic Jan 24, 2002 07:29 am
On standards, Deming was for incremental improvement, until all wigits were perfect.
In manufacturing and process such dreams are almost true - far fewer 'imperfects' for sale days.
Standards relating to Accounting - checking and balancing featured in C13 Vienna, a development by Florentine Traders:

    ""The medieval cloth trade turned Florence into a prosperous commercial center...

n Missile Defense #10998 - rshow55 Jan 23, 2002 06:44 pm
So with gold leaf, the ABL, and the orbital lasers, using very optimistic assumptions about beam coherence and control, would only deliver to the surface of the missile or warhead enough heat to evaporate half a mm of water (about .02") -- or, for better reflectances, only a tenth or a hundredth of that.

And to do so, needs controls far better than anybody has, and less optical dispersion than Space telescope .

" Why wasn't ABL rejected out of hand, after the first design sketches and calculations?..

n Missile Defense #10918 - rshow55 Jan 21, 2002 02:45 pm plays it pretty straight. It reads in part, with some italics added for emphasis.

Reflective Coatings

"Utilizing the phenomena of constructive and destructive interference, engineers may create a multitude of thin-film coatings with different reflective properties...

n Missile Defense #8121 - rshowalter Aug 24, 2001 10:09 pm
almarst-2001 8/24/01 9:50pm

"There is a wide-spread suspicion in Russia that a real aim of the NMD is to ensure the US military domination."

You've made that clear, and set out a lot of good reasons for the concern -- which is the central one you've expressed, all through this thread, as standing in the way of all steps toward nuclear disarmament.

Another big reason for MD is to give the military, and especially the Air Force, something to do that makes sense to American taxpayers.

Both issues are adressed in

The Next Battlefield May Be in Outer Space By JACK HITT

A big question -- on missile defense and space weapons too -- is

what can realistically work?..

n Missile Defense #8111 - rshowalter Aug 24, 2001 12:39 pm
A problem involves force -- just as getting to true testimony involves force, latent or in action.

If professional engineers, with names and credentialling at risk, said the technical things gisterme has said -- well -- it would be possible, reasonably directly, to see if those engineers were right, or if I was -- on specific issues.

And if arguments weren't good enough, they could be refined...

n Missile Defense #8020 - rshowalter Aug 22, 2001 06:43 pm
The language and responses in MD7671gisterme 7/31/01 8:34pm include this from gisterme about reflective coatings.

I'd written:

" it is easy to immunize missiles and reintry vehicles with optical coatings with reflectivity greater (and much greater) than 99% at the wavelength of the lasar. I don't see how anyone who knows how reflective coatings work, and how easy they are to make, can continue to want to support lasars as serious weapons...

n Missile Defense #7737 - rshowalter Aug 3, 2001 08:11 am
But sometimes, when it matters enough, on something that can be checked enough ways -- people come to agree.

Given a desire to get at the truth. Often that's easiest on technical matters...

n Missile Defense #7734 - rshowalter Aug 3, 2001 06:22 am
Wonderful references, Dawn. And moving images. People should think, from time to time, of those corpses - - and the living, feeling, loved and loving people they once were...

n Missile Defense #7713 - rshowalter Aug 1, 2001 02:03 pm
These responses deal directly with gisterme's MD7071 :
MD7136 rshowalter 7/17/01 12:05pm ... starts: . ...

n Missile Defense #7712 - rshowalter Aug 1, 2001 02:00 pm
MD7693 rshowalter 7/31/01 9:55pm asked gisterme to clarify a question of antecedants on a situation where we seem to be in contradiction with each other. br> MD7671gisterme 7/31/01 8:34pm MD7672 rshowalter 7/31/01 8:38pm

I'd said that, though the lasar and guidance image system resolution of lasar "space weapons" might eventually match the Hubble Space telescope's wonderful resolution, that wasn't " nearly good enough for some of the "death ray" schemes people seem to have been imagining, and drawing pictures about, and writing about without considering the numbers.

I cited space telescope images, which show stars as blobs of light...

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