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    Missile Defense

Keywords: lasar

n Missile Defense #6812 - gisterme Jul 9, 2001 07:56 pm
"..."Gisterme , is there any substance to the lasar based weapons programs?"

I feel I asked a fair question --- and I have to feel that gisterme knows the answer, but does not like the answer..."

Robert, :-)

You're a master at overlooking the obvious! For a person who solves differential equations in his head, you're sure weak when it comes to high-scool level trigonometry. What do you think all those posts that show how energy delivery, tracking and aiming can be done with HST and THIEL level technology were about?..

n Missile Defense #6810 - rshowalter Jul 9, 2001 04:47 pm
Do I think that this thread has gotten some attention, at high political levels, in but the US and other countries? Personally, I do think so, and it that's not a certainty, it does seem to me to fit a good deal.

There have been postings like this, rather often, and they've not been contested...

n Missile Defense #6803 - gisterme Jul 9, 2001 02:31 pm
rshowalter wrote ( rshowalter 7/6/01 7:43pm ): Do want to repeat the question, gisterme.

Can the government now blow something up with a lasar, at short range , in ways that can impress a Congressman? Or an ordinary voter - somebody, say, who has the technical background an auto worker would have?..

n Missile Defense #6799 - rshowalter Jul 9, 2001 01:23 pm
The ladies, gentlemen, and other ranks working on the space and ground based lasar programs could be doing much more useful work.

Much more fun to do, and work needed in the national interest.

And the Bush administration would get plenty of credit of redeploying the assets to do it.

n Missile Defense #6797 - rshowalter Jul 9, 2001 01:18 pm
gisterme , I'm not only strongly for nuclear disarmament, I also advocate military means to disarm rogue nuclear threats to the United States, if it can be reasonably done -- and I'd bet that it might well be possible. You could check that, if you looked in MD266-269 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am

I've ALSO said, that a MD program that worked would be a good thing, in a negotiated context, worth working for.

But the lasar programs can't work...

n Missile Defense #6796 - rshowalter Jul 9, 2001 01:13 pm
gisterme , there's something called the genetic fallacy in logic -- and I'm sure you know it.

According to the fallacy, if someone of low credibility says something -- then that thing is wrong.

Of course, that doesn't follow...

n Missile Defense #6791 - rshowalter Jul 9, 2001 10:35 am
Gisterme , is there any substance to the lasar based weapons programs? On the Garwin close-in smart-rock proposal, you'll note that I admit a technical argument, and admit my own mistakes, when I see them. (search Garwin) And I'll do so here, if you can show me I'm wrong...

n Missile Defense #6789 - rshowalter Jul 9, 2001 10:34 am
We may have some hope for closure and getting to the truth. There are some definite statements on the table.

MD6773 rshowalter 7/8/01 6:55pm ...

n Missile Defense #6788 - rshowalter Jul 9, 2001 10:33 am
MD6765 rshowalter 7/8/01 4:16pm

"It is technically easy to make missiles and warheads immune to lasar weapons -- even if the lasar weapons did achieve a chain of miracles related to optical resolution and control. See: Reflective Coatings

. ...

n Missile Defense #6774 - rshowalter Jul 8, 2001 06:57 pm
Now, because reflective coatings invalidate the whole lasar weapon concept for NMD, the points below are mute in a sense -- but not insignificant -- since different logical patterns matter, and since the gross nature of the lasar weapons program frauds need to be set out - - because it is important to understand what has happened, and how corrupt the program is.

MD6732 rshowalter 7/7/01 12:06pm .... MD6730 rshowalter 7/7/01 12:01pm
MD6702 rshowalter 7/6/01 4:55pm

gisterme - if you have any reason to think that the controls and optics for the "orbiting lasar weapon" proposals could do their job - either logically or based on tests -- could you share that with us ?..

n Missile Defense #6771 - rshowalter Jul 8, 2001 05:12 pm
The lasar based program, and probably everything in missile defense, should be shot right between the eyes.

MD6631^5107051@.f0ce57b/7161... MD6632 smartalix 7/5/01 11:10am
MD6633 rshowalter 7/5/01 11:14am ....

n Missile Defense #6768 - rshowalter Jul 8, 2001 04:23 pm
Now, I'll take a little time to talk about other fatal defects with the lasar weapon ideas. There are many.

This weapons sytem is a fraud -- and it is impossible for me to believe that the senior people at Boeing and the other major contactors can escape knowing it -- even if Rumsfeld, Rice, Hadley, Armitage, and others do not.

n Missile Defense #6766 - rshowalter Jul 8, 2001 04:17 pm
Anyone capable of passing the undergraduate program with adequate grades from a reasonable physics school knows everything necessary to protect missiles, for very little cost. Neither the materials, nor the processes, are particularly fancy, for the levels of reflection that immunity to lasar weapons would take.

For a commercial source of reflector coatings, including some billed as "Lasar Damage Resistant" see

n Missile Defense #6765 - rshowalter Jul 8, 2001 04:16 pm
It is technically easy to make missiles and warheads immune to lasar weapons -- even if the lasar weapons did achieve a chain of miracles related to optical resolution and control.

See: Reflective Coatings

" Utilizing the phenomena of constructive and destructive interference, engineers may create a multitude of thin-film coatings with different reflective properties. ...

n Missile Defense #6763 - rshowalter Jul 8, 2001 09:59 am
MD5995 rshowalter 6/25/01 1:30pm .... MD5996 rshowalter 6/25/01 1:57pm

" Me, I don't know, but these things don't sound so easy. ...

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