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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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rshow55 - 08:39am Jul 17, 2002 EST (#3106 of 3339) Delete Message

People joke about things they are conflicted about - worried about -- repressed about. Our culture has joked a lot about the Nazis - and had a lot of guilty fascination with the Nazis. I was assigned to look, carefully, at how the Nazis built a command society that maintained many of the trappings of a western, liberal society - - it was a matter that fascinated and concerned Bill Casey, who cared for a free society, and wanted to preserve whatever he could about it during the Cold War -- and restore liberal society after the cold war.

Recent interchanges, in which Mazza-Cooper-Johnson took a shot at character assasination - and then retreated when their bluff was called -- used the sort of tactics Goebels and his people used with facility -- tactics that the right wing of the Republican party uses, too.

Our society's fascination with the Nazis, and Hitler, is no accident, and no "joke." The connection between the Nazis, the right wing of the Republican Party, and the Bush family goes way back. We have plenty of reason to worry.

I've been concerned about words on this thread. I was an "early adopter" of the word " enronation" ; this thread had some discussion and focusing of the phrase "connect the dots" that may have been influential, and changed American psychology and language in a small, measurable, but clear way (I'm involved with the beginning of a statistical study of this that is so far promising.)

I'm of southern background, and my momma told me that she was fourteen years old before she learned that "damnedyankee" was two words.

I believe, based on a lot of information, that the country would be safer, cleaner, better run - and more honorable, if the phrases "Nazi-Bush" and "the Nazi-Bushes" entered the American language. In my view, they'd be fair usages, indeed.

Swastikas for Sweeps By MAUREEN DOWD

MD3030-3033 rshow55 7/13/02 12:15pm .... especially MD3033 lchic 7/13/02 12:27pm

Tactics that concern us in the relatively open environment of audited corporations are much easier within the military-industrial complex.

In Virginia, Young Conservatives Learn How to Develop and Use Their Political Voices by Blaine Harden merits careful, thoughtful, concerned reading.

How did the right wing of the Republican party come to be so well funded, anyway?

It is surprising how many people, who became suddenly rich in not-very-traceable ways, are fiercely loyal to the far right wing - and "surprising" how carefully an infrastructure of think tanks and subsidized journalists has been built, over half a century - according to patterns that Goebels would have approved of.

I'm glad people at the TIMES are looking at Texas oil land. Oil land is an interesting thing to investigate, in my view.

mazza9 - 12:03pm Jul 17, 2002 EST (#3107 of 3339)
"Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic Commentaries

Well I'm of southern background as well. We were farmers outside of Palermo before comin' to the USofA. Maybe what you need is a good, "Baddabing!"

You don't know me and yet dare to call me a Nazi! Oh well, probably another epileptic fit!

Say lchic, I'm confused. I thought that leftist commie pinkos were anti religion since it was tool for shackling the masses. What's this "Chrismas in July"? Happy Bastille Day. Oh, BTW weren't NAZIs National SOCIALISTS?


rshow55 - 01:29pm Jul 17, 2002 EST (#3108 of 3339) Delete Message

MD1331 rshow55 4/13/02 8:11am ... MD1332 rshow55 4/13/02 9:42am

Mazza, so often, you act the part.

On issues of substance, directly connected to Missile Defense -- there's been no significant dispute of the technical points - much discussed on this thread, set out in MD84 rshow55 3/2/02 11:52am and in many other cites.

Mazza, given my circumstance, it is rational and responsible for me to post a lot. Sometimes, I think it may even be having an effect. Though perhaps an indirect one.

I think it would be important to look carefully at how close the right wing of the Republican party, and the Bush family, have been to the Nazis - and how tolerant and supportive of Nazi patterns CIA has been - especially when Bushes have been influential

MD2964 rshow55 7/10/02 7:19am ... MD2965 rshow55 7/10/02 7:21am

Debuting: One Spy, Unshaken By GEORGE F. CUSTEN

" If Putin, and some other responsible leaders would ask for me to be decently debriefed and used, it might do some good. . . . . (more)

" Playing Know and Tell" by John Schwartz ends with this:

" Listen. "

People ought to think hard about how much the Bush administration resembles the Nazis in the movie Casablanca .

There are things we ought to fix.

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