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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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lchic - 03:29pm Jul 9, 2002 EST (#2945 of 3052)

mAzzA - if you read above posts you would have noticed that the CIA used/uses a DALLAS bank ... as a National Organisation why does it bank in DALLAS ... is that oil land country .... one would expect a National organisation to bank in Washington DC - wouldn't one?!!

lchic - 03:35pm Jul 9, 2002 EST (#2946 of 3052)

USA 1950's


Russia gets money from Europe (also) for Nuke clean up!

rshow55 - 08:14pm Jul 9, 2002 EST (#2947 of 3052) Delete Message

There was an excellent TV show - a classic and a work of art. DALLAS

And a character who has entered into the collective imagination - - J. R. Ewing (played by Larry Hagman, son of Mary Martin, who played Peter Pan.)

The flexibility that Ewing utilized (and his environment tolerated) fits in interestingly with the stories of Nazi involvement in U.S. politics. And fits in well with a lot of the dealings of the Bush family, as well.

It makes sense to look hard at Texas oil land, Texas finance, and the question of how, exactly, the right wing of the Republican party became so well funded. And also how the United States military became so corrupted.

And religious leaders became so corrupted: Bush 2000 Adviser Offered To Use Clout to Help Enron By Joe Stephens Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, February 17, 2002

" Just before the last presidential election, Bush campaign adviser Ralph Reed offered to help Enron Corp. deregulate the electricity industry by working his "good friends" in Washington and by mobilizing religious leaders and pro-family groups . . .

MD158 rshow55 3/3/02 3:54pm

1318 rshow55 4/12/02 6:59pm

People of responsibility, all over the world, should be asking that things important to investment decisions - productivity -- responsibility - and peace be checked.

Watergate only scratched the surface, and there are things that need to be dealt with now.

MD2692-2695 rshow55 6/23/02 5:07pm

mazza9 - 10:25pm Jul 9, 2002 EST (#2948 of 3052)
Louis Mazza

Why now? I live in Dallas and we all guffawed at the Ewing Character. It is my understanding that Cornell types are more prone to lies, obfuscation and pedophilia. Comments?

mazza9 - 11:36pm Jul 9, 2002 EST (#2949 of 3052)
Louis Mazza

Larry Hagman was a Cold Warrior in that Oops epic "Fail Safe" 1964. As the Russian language interpreter for President Henry Fonda, he acted as the go between and eventually would communicate the offer of the compensatory destruction of New York City when Moscow was fried

I attended Air Force Communications Officers school in 1965. We were shown the SACCS, (SAC Automated Command Control System )which was computer based as in the movie. When General LeMay saw "Fail Safe" and appreciated that the whole situation was caused by a blown capacitor, he cancelled the SACCS and insisted that SAC policy would NEVER take the man out of the communications loop!

lchic - 03:49am Jul 10, 2002 EST (#2950 of 3052)

mAzzA using Nazi style intimidatory techniques here:

    mazza9 - 10:25pm Jul 9, 2002 EST (#2948 of 2949) Louis Mazza
    Why now? I live in Dallas and we all guffawed at the Ewing Character. It is my understanding that Cornell types are more prone to lies, obfuscation and pedophilia. Comments?
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel mAzzA - did you get a bonus - from Bushie - in your cheque account - for this posting?

lchic - 03:58am Jul 10, 2002 EST (#2951 of 3052)

Will Bushie volunteer to send himself .....

Mr Bush said the maximum prison sentence for executives found to be committing fraud should be increased from five to 10 years and perpetrators should be forced to return any gains made on the crime,7369,752598,00.html

lchic - 04:29am Jul 10, 2002 EST (#2952 of 3052)

Nazi intimidation ... (USA WWII history)

"The Swastika and the Lone Star: Nazi Activity in Texas POW Camps," by Richard P. Walker, pp. 39-70.

ABSTRACT: Nazi party members dominated some POW camps in Texas during World War II. Efforts of camp commanders to segregate hard-line Nazis and members of the Gestapo from other prisoners were often unsuccessful. A nationwide network of Nazi intimidation and propaganda centered on the German Postal Unit.

lchic - 04:37am Jul 10, 2002 EST (#2953 of 3052)

"" I wish to emphasize it is that during the press, urgency and hysteria of war, particularly at its outset, individual freedoms can easily be lost. Indeed, the very bureaucracies that are in place in a democracy to ensure these freedoms can be their greatest enemies, thereby biting back inconsistently and at times illogically with devastating personal consequences. And once someone is caught in a bureaucratic web often fabricated by highly questionable or hearsay evidence, extrication never came easy.

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