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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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rshow55 - 03:13pm Oct 2, 2003 EST (# 14231 of 14232)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for on this thread.

There are a lot of other details to talk about - including issues of money. I'm near enough to broke to make little difference. But I think there's a lot of money hinging on this thread - a lot that's interesting to a lot of folks - and something might be worked out that pleased a lot of us.

Sorry about being poor - we could go into the reasons for the - but not just now.

Fact is, I'm trying to do some summarization - and it has my head full. Day before yesterday, I promised to do a technical posting - on the connection of latent semantic analysis - statistics - logic - and schema - and the importance of loop tests. Connecting to ideas where this thread has made a contribution - on old topics - synthesis - where we've discussed connecting the dots 9238 and analysis - which often works best in practice if it includes loop tests - - Working hard at it, and haven't finished it. Maybe I'm muddled - and will find that out - - but another possibility is that this thread is being productive - ideally, in ways we can all be proud of, and make money from.

The wager idea is a good one - in broad terms - but it will take a little while to focus. If you want to hurry me up some - call me on the phone and tell me who you are. Whether you do or not - I'll try to respond to you. I've got a backlog of responses to make.

cantabb - 03:20pm Oct 2, 2003 EST (# 14232 of 14232)

fredmoore - 01:37pm Oct 2, 2003 EST (# 14229 of 14229)

Cantabb, Try posting something on MD or KAEP as an MD alternative.

Have been asking the VERY same of the "regulars," including you ! And what have they been doing on-topic for the past 2-plus years? That is, before my first post here, 2 weeks ago.

Why interest now ON-Topic material ? [Did you ever think about it before my reminders? ]. Did you ask rshow55 and others to try to post something on "MD or KAEP as an MD alternative" ? Or, other posters who have been here "long enough" ?

For the past 2 weeks, I've just been responding to posts addressed to me [including the first immediate reaction from you].

Don't you have anything constructive to bring to this forum?

What do you think I've been doing ? Asking the regulars, including you, to focus on something on-topic, and turn it back from what they have turned this NYT Forum into ? NOT constructive enough ? ANYTHING similarly “constructive” from you. School yard, ain't it ! Neither is unceasing rambling on extraneous matters.

PS Nice 'duck out' of your Dickens blunder.

What “blunder”? [Look up dictionary !]

In fact, the "blunder" was YOURS: An analogy that did NOT apply to me or the situation. Did NOT make sense, did not work. Did she openly confront, as I’ve done ? Go check the analogy. And what “revenge” here ? He hasn’t done anything that I know of to harm me ? So, What’s there to “revenge” ? Just because he did not respond to MY questions ? What nonsense !

PS2 The best way to effect a change in Rshow is to lead by example and post on Topic. That's what I and others on this forum do whenever we get the opportunity.

You and have been taken on a ride with him. That's NOT "lead by example" ! Neither is the school-yard you remain in.

You think the "opportunity" to “lead” was that infrequent here ? I thought you have been defending the Forum as it is and has been used.

What a cop-out.

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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  / Missile Defense

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