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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 08:24am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9819 of 9838)

Alex - the new UK POLICY is DOUBLETALK! lunarchick 9/23/01 8:48pm

almarst-2001 - 08:33am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9820 of 9838)

almarst-2001 - 08:40am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9821 of 9838)

lunarchick 9/23/01 8:48pm

"we will punish the crimes of our enemies and reward the crimes of our friends."

Bull eye!

lunarchick - 08:45am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9822 of 9838)

Paradigm shift. A picture said a 1000 words. The repeat, repeat, repeat of a picture said 'millions' of words.

The fall of the towers has lead to a shattering of world confidence (financialMkt)

Further Paradigm shift required - Confidence has to be restored.

Away from the theatre of war. How can the US start to restore confidence ... what has to be laid on the table before this happens?

A truthful review of foreign policy with examination of past policy and its ramifications.

People participation here would give a greater sense of control and influence in the decision making process. Give them something new to think on. A shaft of light to climb en route back to normality.

lunarchick - 08:54am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9823 of 9838)

Shattering Iraq

lunarchick - 08:57am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9824 of 9838)

rshowalter - 09:05am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9825 of 9838) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Everything that would be needed to restore confidence for solid reasons -- or make a start on a process that would succeed - - - is on this thread. But for confidence to be restored, some very BASIC things would have to be checked, and some lies dealt with.

Americans, who care so much about their money, ought to consider this well.

. What can support of G.W. Bush cost YOU ?

Maybe everything.

It is only reasonable that some basic things, many in the dialog here involving gisterme , many more involving dialog with almarst be CHECKED .

almarst-2001 - 09:16am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9826 of 9838)


What is the reason to believe the other US President would act differently?

rshowalter - 09:38am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9827 of 9838) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

You'd have to explain some key things to the American people , who have been brainwashed (that is the word, and it was organized and deliberate propaganda) to see some basic things.

That done, the political situation would right itself. Fairly easily.

The case has to be made, remembering how the American people, and the American press, actually act. Issues about "information good enough to put before a jury" apply here.

We've discussed what it would take to get some checking staffed, since March. From where we stand, with resources world wide, it shouldn't be especially difficult - - and it could be done in ways that enhanced the safety of all decent people - - at every step.

rshowalter - 09:39am Sep 24, 2001 EST (#9828 of 9838) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

It would be easier, safer, and more fun, to do this than not to do it.

Much safer.

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