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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 12:57pm Sep 23, 2001 EST (#9754 of 9759) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Some groundwork, which I've had on the table a while:

MD1761 rshowalter 3/30/01 7:21am ... MD1762 rshowalter 3/30/01 7:22am
and a point related to missile defense especially:
MD1735 rshowalter 3/29/01 7:44pm

Some applications involving human beings, and some reasons for fear, humility, and mercy under particular circumstances. Along with an easy to remember phrase:
MD9601 rshowalter 9/22/01 7:33am ... MD9603 rshowalter 9/22/01 7:53am

We all need help, in various circumstances, for various reasons, and if it is not available, good things that might otherwise occur cannot, and bad things that might otherwise not occur happen.

A simple example applies to me. Without secretarial help, I can't do much more than I'm doing. Perhaps I shouldn't do more. But the point is, I can't without this additional resource. It is an example of a constraint, a common sort of example, with a common solution. I have no way, from where I am, to get secretarial help without some assistance.

Back on the main point - - that there are likely to be good solutions to current fearful circumstances, within a couple hours, if I can. I think I can..

rshowalter - 01:14pm Sep 23, 2001 EST (#9755 of 9759) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Naturally, I have to take time to read the paper carefully. THE WEEK IN REVIEW section is superb , as is so often is . . . .

liberace3 - 02:04pm Sep 23, 2001 EST (#9756 of 9759)

Black Gold, Texas Tea and Thee - Alternative road to peace?

Well, let's think about this. WHY does the U.S. have an interest and therefore presence in the Gulf States? WHY did we have the Gulf War? WHY are we adament about being Israel's sole defender? Hmmmmm.......could it be OIL? Yes, by George W., I've got it. Now I'm certain Americans might also rise up against the presence in our country of a wealthy foreign interest that sought to inundate us with their culture, ideology and political/military influence. An outrage! I agree. Much of the Arab world shares the sentiment (partiucularly those who have not been sharing the wealth). Ironically, as long as we are oil-dependent we WILL be in a somewhat distant, yet very co-dependent relationship with our Middle Eastern neighbors.

So here's a suggestion (and one you won't hear coming from Enron, Exxon, Mobil or our goverment). I suppose we all remember the Y2K panic that frightened the world into retooling their computers in a record few years. Whether you agree with the fearmongers who led that charge, or feel it was a hoax, the world spent billions to remedy what ailed their computer systems and TAA DAA!, the deed is done. Now THAT's teamwork! A similar spirit was in evidence during WWII.

So WHY aren't we all retooling now with new, non-petroleum dependent technologies? It would solve so many problems both environmentally and economically, not to mention improved relations. And much of the infrastructure is already in place for beginning it's manufacture. Just look at the fuel cell industry. So let's not party like it's 1999.....we need to move on. Even Middle Eastern countries know that their crude is not their future. Let the fearmongering begin!

rshowalter - 04:25pm Sep 23, 2001 EST (#9757 of 9759) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

liberace3 9/23/01 2:04pm

On getting rid of our dependence of oil, in a logically incremental, feasible way, that would interface step by step with what we have and can do now.

It is a much easier problem than a workable missile defense.

MD5902 rshowalter 6/23/01 7:05pm ... MD5903 rshowalter 6/23/01 7:21pm
MD5904 rshowalter 6/23/01 7:31pm ...

rshowalter - 04:29pm Sep 23, 2001 EST (#9758 of 9759) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

While I'm writing, the eulogy I gave for my late partner, Steve Kline, at Stanford Chapel speaks of words, pictures and math together. And talks about focusing.

It isn't essential, but some might find it of interest - - Steve was a master at getting things focused, and made important contributions by doing so.

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