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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 06:35pm Sep 15, 2001 EST (#9129 of 9144)

rshowalter 9/15/01 6:33pm I guessed as much !

rshowalter - 06:41pm Sep 15, 2001 EST (#9130 of 9144) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Sometimes I wish people had sense enough to see things that "even a monkey could see."

I think the " Koko series" MD6559 lunarchick 7/4/01 8:27pm to MD6597 rshowalter 7/4/01 10:23pm fits and is entertaining here.

MD8299 rshowalter 9/1/01 2:15pm

gisterme - 06:41pm Sep 15, 2001 EST (#9131 of 9144)

almarst wrote ( almarst-2001 9/14/01 10:30pm ):

"... Where are American religious and civil communities at the need to restrain its evil deeds? ..."

What evil deeds almarst? Do you mean putting a stop to this ?

If that's what you mean, those establishments were were right there whole-heartedly supporting a just cause.

There was a double evil in Kosovo. Now there is only a single evil. The chains witholding the removal of the second problem have been removed by the events of this past week. Solving that will require a lot more American sacrefice than solving the first. Serbia is free. Their former bloody tyrant could have prevented both the NATO bombing of Serbia and his own demise by putting a stop to the events of the referenced link with a single order. He didn't. He didn't do that, even after multiple warnings. Too bad for those who lost their lives because of his hatred. That's the bottom line as far as I'm concerned. The nature of Milosevic's hatred identical to the present hatred we're now going to just existed on a smaller scale.

Don't be so quick to judge America before all this is over. Don't call the game at half-time. America will sacrefice much of its wealth and many brave souls to lead the free world in the destruction of international terrorism. Free Serbia will benefit from that as much as all the rest of the world, including the Islamic world. The recent attack on the US has focused its people, virtually all of them, to a singularity of purpose not seen in our entire history...not even after Pearl Harbor. Americans did not get to see Pearl Harbor happen in real time...and the level of treachery in this case is not even argueable as it was in that.

The US has always been reluctant to go to war. The first Great War had raged for a year and was going badly for our friends before the US intervened. That war started in the Balkans. WWII had raged for over a year and was going badly for our frinds before the US intervened, only after being attacked had having war declared on it by Hitler. By the standard of those wars and by the standard of what's coming, in hindsight, Kosovo will seem like a minor skrimish.

Nations, like individuals sometimes make mistakes; but life goes on and more importantly, the world goes on. If you want to argue more about the removal of an evil dictator from Serbia, please wait until the present world war is over. If I'm still here, I'll be glad to accomodate. However, I suspect that by that time most interest in the topic will have been overcome by events. OBE. I also expect that by that time, Serbia, Russia and the USA will have become mutually trusted friends and allies.

Almarst, I sincerely regret the shedding of innocent blood wherever it may happen. You've seen my posts and I promise you that they are all sincere. I give you personally my word of honor, almarst, that I have no agendas that are not right there in

lunarchick - 06:43pm Sep 15, 2001 EST (#9132 of 9144)

Recalling Steve talking about crocs .. he knows they have set reflexes (this fits in with the BushBwsh mentalities). He knows when to be close, when to step back, and that crocs protecting a 'nest' can be particularly aggressive.

Thinking of Alex the nest was oil. Moving on from oil the money indirectly came from oil. This also fanned potentials to 'protect' Islam.

On this logic Islam sounds so weak it's almost man made. Perhaps the version of Islam up for protection is the man-made version. Perhaps it isn't even religion - just man-made dogma. A splinter of what was religion - and far removed from the presumably good intentions of the eigth century prophet.

Taking stock - what are original islamic principals - (not the contaminated versions) - and how would a true islamic view holistically this world?

Having histories of the balkans presented over the last decade - i noted - that christians and moslims both, shared the SAME churches - holding their services and looking after their peoples, throughout the centuries. Less fragmentation then, than now.

rshowalter - 06:44pm Sep 15, 2001 EST (#9133 of 9144) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

If the US can handle this situation in a way that M0ST of the world regards as honorable, that would be wonderful.

It ought to be possible, too.

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