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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 10:25pm Sep 14, 2001 EST (#9069 of 9096) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

almarst , for the sake of the whole world, that case has to be made.

Because the carnage in the world is awful -- and we mostly ignore it.

And nuclear weapons that have had devastating effects already and that could destroy the world are tolerated, and justified on the basis of patters of rationalization that are insane.

If people could, and did, check facts , we might be able to make the world a much safer place, for all concerned. Including the citizens of the United States.

rshowalter - 10:27pm Sep 14, 2001 EST (#9070 of 9096) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

And gimmicks, that can't work, such as "missile defense" are justified, and take up huge resources -- - when we should actually solve the problems, and when we could, if we'd sort through facts , and make sane (not idealistic, just sane) decisions.

almarst-2001 - 10:30pm Sep 14, 2001 EST (#9071 of 9096)

"Only their own religious communities and societies can really restrain and delegitimize them." - Here I must agree with Mr. Friedman.

I only wonder Where are American religious and civil communities at the need to restrain its evil deeds?

rshowalter - 10:32pm Sep 14, 2001 EST (#9072 of 9096) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

If some world leaders wanted some key facts checked , they would be , and the logic of the situation would unfold - in ways that would be to the advantage of the whole world.

Some things have to involve action, and responsibility, from outside the United States, for reasons we discussed that are set out, with links in MD2088-2089 rshowalter 4/8/01 8:30am .

rshowalter - 10:35pm Sep 14, 2001 EST (#9073 of 9096) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

almarst-2001 9/14/01 10:30pm . . . they are cowed, compromised, co-opted by patterns that are detailed, and powerful.

Can they be engaged in dialog? YES !

Can it be done, only from the inside? NO.

The fear level in America is too high. Nations outside the United States are going to have to take a position here.

In other areas, where you haven't been able to help yourself, we've helped you.

For the sake of the world, you can't just ask for the US to sort it out without guidance, and questions, from the outside. For reasons we've discussed.

rshowalter - 10:40pm Sep 14, 2001 EST (#9074 of 9096) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I'll have more to say tomorrow. But, almarst , you and other people, with connections to the outside world, cannot just sit passively by, and expect the US to handle all problems for you . . . you have to take the responsiblity to act.

With some facts established, you could be safe.

It seems to me that you should be scared enough, and EU leaders should be scared enough, to ask for some straight facts, checked beyond reasonable question.

Ask, and you'll get them. Wait for "the US to sort it out internally" and you won't.

The world could end.

Why not ask some questions where it could count?

. . . .

My heart and my eyes ache, I've had my 3 beers, and I'm going to sleep. I'll try to be productive tomorrow.

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