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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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almarst-2001 - 09:04pm Sep 7, 2001 EST (#8628 of 8643)

In my view. the bombing of Serbia was an absolute crime. And I see no reason to believe it can't be repeated elswhere at any time. The only criteria used was a zero casualties by the agressor.

Un;ess that changes, what kind of trust can there be?

almarst-2001 - 09:12pm Sep 7, 2001 EST (#8629 of 8643)

The end of a Cold War gave a hope for the new era. That hope was shuttered by the only country which could afford to be a generous and objective benevolent power. And it was done in the most dreadful and shameful way I ever vitnessed.

almarst-2001 - 09:21pm Sep 7, 2001 EST (#8630 of 8643)


"Why is it that politicians, and particularly American politicians, seem so compliant and lackadaisical about the ramifications of endorsing war as a means of doing business?"

almarst-2001 - 09:23pm Sep 7, 2001 EST (#8631 of 8643)

SECRET PENTAGON GERM FACTORY - "The Pentagon has confirmed that it has been developing deadly germs in secret locations, a clear violation of a 1972 agreement on biological warfare"

almarst-2001 - 09:25pm Sep 7, 2001 EST (#8632 of 8643)

DISBAND NATO AND THROW AWAY THE KEY - "More than ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, !NATO forces, as always led by the Americans, are dancing more than the “Texas Two-Step” in their role of self definition and sought after justification, on the world stage. NATO’s image is that of a crippled man with his rear aflame; in great fear that his head will follow suite."

almarst-2001 - 09:27pm Sep 7, 2001 EST (#8633 of 8643)

UNCLE SAM PLAYS THE BULLY IN BELARUS - j "Most Americans if told that several million of their tax dollars were being sent half way around the world to throw an election in favor of a senior member of the Soviet Communist Party, would go ballistic. At the least they might wonder whether Bill Clinton and his left-wing ideologues were somehow still running foreign policy in Washington."

rshowalter - 09:46pm Sep 7, 2001 EST (#8634 of 8643) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD8628 almarst-2001 9/7/01 9:04pm

" In my view. the bombing of Serbia was an absolute crime. And I see no reason to believe it can't be repeated elswhere at any time. The only criteria used was a zero casualties by the agressor.

" Unless that changes, what kind of trust can there be?

To get that message in shape to explain to congresspeople (elected and staff) on the internet would take some staff work. But if the staff work was done, and someone with a position (for instance President Putin) officially asked congressional leaders to respond (especially with some backing from other world leaders) the elected representatives of the United States would respond. The request would be news. The contact would make sense. It is these people who need to understand, to motivate change.

The same comment applies to your points in
MD8629 almarst-2001 9/7/01 9:12pm ... MD8630 almarst-2001 9/7/01 9:23pm

To make progress, two things would count for a great deal.

People, whether they agreed with you or not, would come to see your position.


People would come to see you, and the people you care about, as human beings (a very important point, where issues like bombing are concerned. )

rshowalter - 09:50pm Sep 7, 2001 EST (#8635 of 8643) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

A very good investment, for Russia, might be to purchase CNN videotapes of television appearances of Congressmen and Senators. And when the positions seemed of interest (for positive or negative reasons) making the information available on streaming video. With specific reasons for interest, pro or con, made clear.

If Russia was deceptive and unfair in this, it would backfire. If it expresssed clear concerns, fairly - - people might well listen.

rshowalter - 10:02pm Sep 7, 2001 EST (#8636 of 8643) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

There's a CNN television appearance by Congressman Weldon that might be of interest, for example.

MD3642 rshowalter 5/10/01 7:24am ... MD3684 rshowalter 5/11/01 10:31am
MD3685 rshowalter 5/11/01 10:44am

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