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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 10:05pm Aug 4, 2001 EST (#7753 of 7773)

The price of a life ! ..from

lunarchick - 10:11pm Aug 4, 2001 EST (#7754 of 7773)

Trust Us We're Experts!

lunarchick - 10:27pm Aug 4, 2001 EST (#7755 of 7773)


rshowalter - 07:35am Aug 5, 2001 EST (#7756 of 7773) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I'll be away for a couple of days.

lunarchick - 05:20pm Aug 5, 2001 EST (#7757 of 7773)

Mr Biden threatened that US legislators would not allow the president to press ahead with his plans unless he did so on terms acceptable to them and to international opinion. "It matters a great deal how the administration pursues national missile defence and what it pursues,",7369,532149,00.html The senator's latest comments have to be seen as part of an increasingly high stakes political poker game between the Bush administration and missile defence sceptics, of whom Mr Putin and Mr Biden have now emerged as the key players. It is also a clear sign of the burgeoning confidence among US Democrats as they adjust to their newfound control of the upper house in the US Congress

lunarchick - 06:19pm Aug 5, 2001 EST (#7758 of 7773)


lunarchick - 07:45am Aug 6, 2001 EST (#7759 of 7773)

Rogue State The world's future may rest on a granite mountain in the spectacular Colorado desert. Deep inside this mountain lies a fortified bunker, the command centre of the world's most powerful nation as it prepares for nuclear war. Cheyenne Mountain is the war room of America's planned missile defence system — a whole new order which will make the world a safer or a more dangerous place, depending on whom you believe. Four Corners takes viewers inside Cheyenne Mountain and asks whether the missile defence umbrella will fulfil its mission in stopping attacks on the US from rogue states. Or could missile defence unleash another Cold War, with the fault line shifting uncomfortably close to Australia's north? This timely report comes as debate rages about whether Australia is backing alleged US attempts to contain China's power. Four Corners assesses the impact of missile defence on regional flashpoints — Taiwan, Korea and India–Pakistan — and whether it will set off an Asian arms race. "Hands off!" demands a key Chinese negotiator, Sha Zu Kang, making plain his anger at what China sees as foreign meddling in Taiwan. Reporter Chris Masters has obtained access to key US officials — hawks and doves — in preparing this report. They include Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage; key defence official in the Reagan administration, Richard Perle; Council on Foreign Relations physicist and Rumsfeld Commission member Richard Garwin; and the physicist who first blew the whistle on alleged fraud in missile defence tests results, Theodore Postol. Masters also speaks to Australia's Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer. See Transcript.

Excellent program. Didn't include conflict of interest issues re dollar churn, elder Bush / Carlyle. Noted physicists have real problems with regard to USA_political_spin attributed to actual workings of MD.

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