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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 07:57am Jul 18, 2001 EST (#7167 of 7176)

Communicating via thought waves on technological horizon: 18-07-2001 Imagine... being able to communicate by THOUGHT alone?

It could become a reality - with the increasing pace of change in communications technology, and in the way we receive information.

Tom Kunkel is a former New York Times journalist.. who now heads the school of journalism at the University of Maryland in the United States.

He`s been speaking about what`s (technologically) possible .. and what`s probable in the future.. at a "media globalisation" conference in Brisbane this week.

It could become a reality - with the increasing pace of change in communications technology, and in the way we receive information. ..... and regarding this with MD - mind boggling


lunarchick - 08:29am Jul 18, 2001 EST (#7168 of 7176)



Bush: Is he going to be a disaster or a genius as President? GU Talk:

rshowalter - 04:06pm Jul 18, 2001 EST (#7169 of 7176) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD7100 rshowalter 7/16/01 8:41pm cites Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror

including the key story, #13.. ... to #23..

and note #26 ...

Summaries and links to this Missile Defense thread are set out from #153 in

I made an update there today.

lunarchick - 06:13pm Jul 18, 2001 EST (#7170 of 7176)

Moscow orchestrates nettiquette joy.... "Science News Poetry" 7/18/01 9:00am

lunarchick - 06:20pm Jul 18, 2001 EST (#7171 of 7176)

Isolating 'Uncle Sam' (who, with Laura, has just touched down in UK)

lunarchick - 06:27pm Jul 18, 2001 EST (#7172 of 7176)

'Club Culture' cited in UK health report.

    This lead to a "Greek tragedy" of events in which warning signs were not recognised and people who raised concerns were ignored and threatened.
    Surgeons were able to cover up high death rates by claiming they were on a "learning curve" - and their powerful positions both on the wards and at management level meant no one was able to question them.
Is there a 'club culture' in the Missile Defence Field?

lunarchick - 06:33pm Jul 18, 2001 EST (#7173 of 7176)

The Eagle, akka 'Uncle Sam' has landed. Raises the Question - 'does this guy travel abroad far too often' .. remember what the USA lost last time he ventured out!

lunarchick - 06:35pm Jul 18, 2001 EST (#7174 of 7176)

The Eagle, akka 'Uncle Sam' has landed. Raises the Question - 'does this guy travel abroad far too often' .. remember what the USA lost last time he ventured out!
( Suffer little .... )

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