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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 09:44pm Jul 9, 2001 EST (#6816 of 6825)


    The whispered consensus is that China probably will get the games this time. But don't think it's a referendum on how many toenails the Chinese pulled out this year. China hasn't cleaned up its human rights act, so that's not a reason to give the games to Beijing. There's another force at work: the gravy train. If China wins, it will be because Olympic officials are thinking of ways to generate publicity for the games.
    Americans have missed the Cold War ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the defection of the Soviet Union's 14-year-old gymnasts and hulking, chemistry-addled swimmers to become NBC commentators. We may still tune in to see Kerri Strug landing one-legged vaults, but who's going to skip a favorite show to watch javelin or weightlifting when it's us against Western European weenies?
    There just isn't enough well-organized evil left in the world .. .
2008 ...

smartalix - 10:01pm Jul 9, 2001 EST (#6817 of 6825)
Anyone who denies you information considers themselves your master

I notice gisterme did not even bother to address my follow-up. Possibly gisterme is leaving because the scrutiny is getting too intense?

BTW, that towed multiple-tube antique rocket artillery is nothing more than a big bottle rocket, and a demo using them as a target proves nothing.

lunarchick - 02:06am Jul 10, 2001 EST (#6818 of 6825)

GI is bricked into the tomb of CIA-O .. in need of a shovel to tunnel out!

lunarchick - 07:13am Jul 10, 2001 EST (#6819 of 6825)

Australia SBS TV: 8.30 THE CUTTING EDGE: ABANDONED: THE BETRAYAL OF AMERICA'S IMMIGRANTS - This documentary illustrates the results of the most recent wave of anti-immigrant sentiment in the US. New immigrations laws passed in 1996 by the US Congress are causing thousands of legal residents to be detained and deported for minor crimes long in their past. As a result, a multi-million dollar prison industry specialising in the detention of immigrants has been born. This insightful and hard-hitting film takes a look at the personal impact of this legislation through poignant stories of immigrants, and explores the position of the INS (Immigration Naturalisation Service) and the politics of how such laws were ever passed. (From the US, in English). CC

lunarchick - 07:24am Jul 10, 2001 EST (#6820 of 6825)

This program said the two houses of congress looked at the 1996 Act .. then a committee of NAZI sympathy (right wing republicans) changed the wording.
The law was passed - post Oklahoma Bombing (done by an authentic American).
Shows the prison system picking up people who have lived in the USA, are married to Americans, have American Children. Picking 'fathers' up who may have committed a minor misdemeanour way back and been punished then .. and putting them in prison for deportation to countries they've almost never lived in, nor speak the languge. The American Tax payer then, as these families are destabalised, loose their businesses. their incomes, their kids need therapy and treatment and start to 'fail' in school.
The detainee is shifted around the country. Has no right of access to legal representation. ... etc etc etc ... and the 'Congress' do nothing to correct this Nazi conspiricy against it's own people.
The 'prison' industry get $51+ per day per person, process them for $30+ and make $22 per day profit per person for the 'county'.

Pity there's no LEADERSHIP in the US political system!

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