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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 09:06pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6577 of 6614)

It's like 'brains' are actually an inbuilt MD system ... perhaps folks should dust 'em down and exercise out using their own cognitive gym ... then with a vocab of 1000 words even, as per Koko, the use of missiles just wouldn't add up - not even in monkey logic :)

rshowalter - 09:12pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6578 of 6614) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

A big thing is that monkeys have enough sense to want to see things. People, being more "advanced" -- accept really far-fetched stories, that may "sound good" -- without any evidence at all.

And sometimes, all it takes to get by with an outrage, is to conceal the most basic visual information.

Bob Kerrey made that point in


Kerrey says:

" The risk of a nuclear attack still poses the greatest single threat to our survival."

. ...

partly because the military won't even let people in Congress see the most basic evidence.

If they saw it, they'd see, even a monkey could see, that we'd gotten ourselves into a grossly disproportionate, ugly mess.

rshowalter - 09:13pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6579 of 6614) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I wonder what would happen if Senators and Congressman asked to see evidence of what the "Star Wars" program, after sixty billion dollars actually had and could actually do.

rshowalter - 09:14pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6580 of 6614) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Not paper evidence -- or not only that.

Also what a monkey would have to see -- real physical stuff.

lunarchick - 09:16pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6581 of 6614)

If your 'minister of defense' is in your system is the 'Secretary of State' .. then why isn't this person fielding questions in the parliament .... that's spelt Colin Powell in the Websters' Dictionary - isn't it?

rshowalter - 09:17pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6582 of 6614) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

The military industrial complex, years after Eisenhower warned us to watch out, is "making a monkey of us all !

rshowalter - 09:20pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6583 of 6614) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

And in another analogy (and not a far fetched one either) "making out like bandits."

And frauds. Search "Carlyle" , this thread, and "Osprey", too, to get a sense of how much money there is to be diverted from a system that, where it counts, has no workable financial defensee at all, as far as fraud goes.

rshowalter - 09:23pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6584 of 6614) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

On "making monkeys of us all" and degrading the United States, note this:

The level of feel for propriety exemplified in -- would indicate a "culture" where thoughts of accountability, for either facts or money, would be almost futile, wouldn't you think?

I wonder how many enlisted men (and there are plenty of literate ones) could read "Elder Bush in Big GOP Cast Toiling for Top Equity Firm" without being ashamed?

lunarchick - 09:32pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6585 of 6614)

On monkeys ... there were three - who knew their place .. 'see all_hear all_say nothing' taken to advantage in the Yorkshire man's motto reads:

    "hear all, See all
    Say nowt
    eat all, sup all
    pay nowt
    and if tha ever does owt for nowt
    do it for thee sen".

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