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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 09:43am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6541 of 6552)

MoscowFilmFestivalGuest see

rshowalter - 09:48am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6542 of 6552) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

The Queen of England would approve! (search Queen.)

lunarchick - 09:50am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6543 of 6552)


lunarchick - 09:52am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6544 of 6552)

On the USA radio station they said that the Queen of England sends messages on July4 to Am Pres .. to give her the country back :)

lunarchick - 10:07am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6545 of 6552)

Russian Plane was said to have crashed re 'faulty' engine .... bbc says cause not yet determined. Today July 5 has been declared a day of mourning re crash. The problem will probably relate to a lack of cash for servicing and replacement parts ?

rshowalter - 10:09am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6546 of 6552) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

American planes crash, too. It seems to me that, considering things, the Russian air services have a fine (but not flawless) record.

I'm sure they'll be careful to find the problem.

And I'm touched that there is a national day of mourning. These people have hearts.

And fine minds.

lunarchick - 10:16am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6547 of 6552)

Especially when the bereaved have a voice!

lunarchick - 10:16am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6548 of 6552)


rshowalter - 11:38am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6549 of 6552) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD5990 rshowalter 6/25/01 11:57am

We're making progress. This isn't an entertaining thread - it is an effort, with a good deal of cooperation and encouragement from almarst and gisterme , to set out patterns where staffs can communicate, and get to closure, on problems that would be intractable otherwise.

There are some core issues, that happen again and again, in these sorts of problems. They involve issues of "focus" -- the notion of "disciplined beauty" is an attempt to deal with that. And they involve issues of workable reciprocity and cooperation, in complex circumstances -- accomodating the golden rule to high levels of detail is an attempt to deal with that.

I think good progress is being made. But it isn't easy reading for individuals. The problems involved, at unavoidable levels, require a degree of memory, and tolerance for complexity, that require staffs.

With the internet, and crosslinking, and hard work, there are technical arrangements, partly coming into focus here, that accomodate communication, including the expression of disagreements between staffs. That takes a while. But in the end, I believe, some simple and satisfactory solutions are coming into focus.

They will be solutions when they are understood, and acceptable, to the people, variously organized, who have to live with them and implement them. MD5991 rshowalter 6/25/01 12:03pm

MD5892 rshowalter 6/23/01 12:11pm ... MD5987 rshowalter 6/25/01 11:35am
MD5956-5957 rshowalter 6/24/01 12:53pm .... MD5848 rshowalter 6/22/01 7:10pm

for more along these lines, search " staff* "

rshowalter - 11:43am Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6550 of 6552) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD5895 rshowalter 6/23/01 4:03pm .... MD5896 rshowalter 6/23/01 4:05pm
MD5897 rshowalter 6/23/01 4:07pm .... MD5898 rshowalter 6/23/01 4:08pm
MD5899 rshowalter 6/23/01 4:16pm

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