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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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almarst-2001 - 04:49pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6494 of 6514)

Milosovic may be a war criminal. However, that has not yet being proved. He is incriminated by over 300 civilian death in Kosovo.

He was sold to the jail for just over a billion $. Offered by those who bombed his country, destroyed motst of its infrastructure including one of the pldest historical bridges over the Danube (older the US). Who used DU and clastered bombs. Who methodically bombed the innocent civilians for 78 days and nights. On the trains. In bases. In schools and hospitals. On the factory flors. On the roads and markets. Killing over 3000 of them. Dropping more bombs the Hitler did during WWII. Deliberetly destroing the country. By the nation of Kissinger and MacNamara. Truman and Clinton.

The word "SHAME" is just too weak to describe it.

rshowalter - 04:49pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6495 of 6514) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

There have been a lot of things not to like about the Serbs over the years. Even if the bombing was a travesty (and I agree that it was.)

rshowalter - 04:53pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6496 of 6514) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

One loaf of bread.

almarst , suppose you had things under control, and could get what you wish in this matter. Would you want Milosevik tried and Kissinger tried - of something similar --- a more balanced blaming?

Or would you want something else?

What would you want, if everyone was going to accomodate you (within reason)?

Do you know?

lunarchick - 04:53pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6497 of 6514)

An air crash - East Russia, today. Here's a former one 1997.


almarst-2001 - 04:58pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6498 of 6514)

lunarchick 7/3/01 4:46pm

One would assume that the case will be mostly about 'Serbians' talking about Serbian happenings. Obviously a lot of people died in 'nasty' ways, and Serbians want to bring to account the person they see as being the commander-in-chief who let this happen. "

The WEST is on a "mission" to destroy the Yugoslavia. By supporting and arming the separatists, by economic blocades, by blackmailing and bribing the polititians. They need Milosovic to justify their own much bigger crimes.

They may hope to repeat the same tactics in other places, like Chechnia. They try. Hopefully they will fail. Hopefully even in Yugoslavia. As it happend many times before.

lunarchick - 05:05pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6499 of 6514)

LetterFromAmerica On the changing face of America, the integration of 'Others' and the new (improved quality of) Political Correctness.

almarst-2001 - 05:07pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6500 of 6514)


I think only the healthy and self-confident country is safe from producing such criminals.

And it would be a litmus test if a nation denounce its crimes and repairs and redeems the damage it have done.

The Serbs where on that road. The West just got deeper into the dirt.

The West is responcible for the tragedy of Yugoslavia. It "engineered" all this with $ and arms and relentness fals propaganda for many years. Its hands are bloody. Its minds are blured. Its hart has no shame.

rshowalter - 05:08pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6501 of 6514) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

From Alistair Cooke:

" Since President Bush came back across the Atlantic and failed to impress practically any European, including Mr Putin, with his stand on a whole range of issues his popularity rating here has dropped to 50%, which is the lowest mark for any president at any time, however troubled, in the past five years."

Coming into the job with the country prosperous, and few big problems --- this is an achievement.

rshowalter - 05:10pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6502 of 6514) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

almarst says:

"The West is responcible for the tragedy of Yugoslavia. It "engineered" all this with $ and arms and relentness fals propaganda for many years. Its hands are bloody. Its minds are blured. Its hart has no shame."

Suppose you're exactly right, and you want to make your case. And want to do the best that can be done, from here.

How do you make your case, and what do you want to do?

almarst-2001 - 05:15pm Jul 3, 2001 EST (#6503 of 6514)

rshowalter 7/3/01 5:10pm

A case against Clinton, Albright, Kissinger, MacNamara, Shea, Soros, CIA, NATO?

I quess I should be gratefull I am still alive and free;)

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