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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 01:43am Jul 2, 2001 EST (#6389 of 6390)

13 years later ...
what does the Serbian population really think?
Do they feel they were prisoners of a regime?
Do they feel a great leader is lost?

The excellent futurist point re this it is said is this:

    'All National Leaders have been put on notice that the 'world' expects them to behave in an ethical and moral manner'
    With respect to SM the message is said to be that it is/was unethical to divide the nations population and set it up to fight against itself.
It is said, that there has been a lot of 'OTHER'ness in respect of the Serbian war. Those designated as such could be herded into camps, killed, raped, ... and the rest.
    That the government resigned, may be that they want a new election - putting the whole era behind them - and the majority will WANT to MOVE on. Most of the population under 30years will have had little input, or say, as to the way SM behaved. Others live 'elsewhere' becoming refugees and migrants (Aussie has Yugos. by the thousand! (some victims of torture) from all factions - living in relative harmony), with a real peace some may go 'home' again.
Looking at the GOOD side of this new approach, via the introduction of Legal-Moral thinking ... perhaps 'Moral Forcing' from Brussels ...

    A point to note is that all LEADERS will have to work for 'good', for quality improvement, rather than activate evil. In C21 they must now consider the ACTIONS they take, and justify them, at the INTERNATIONAL level.
If it comes down to the point where the 'world' says what a National Leader did was very 'wrong' .. then it is up to all National Leaders to understand the 'International Standard' expected of Brussels/Court.

All in all it might well lead to the world becoming a more civilized and positive place .. working more peacefully towards solutions that satisfy the needs of the majority of 'Nationals' within each and every national boundary.

One has to agree that it is WRONG that 'dictatorships' can be set-up, marshall the resources of a country, get citizens to kill other citizens and deplete a country of a working system - that has generated jobs and incomes giving wealth, comfort, and security.

The comparison can no longer be that 'x' country did terrible things to its population, therefore, leaderships in 'y' country also have a right to inflict pain and suffering.

If the Brussels-Court has a case against SM, then, first it is necessary to LOOK and LISTEN and SEE why the Court has real concerns.

    [*Time the court looked at all the LANDMINES left around the world that blow many children to pieces and tear off limbs! That's a crime against humanity - that should be fixed.]

lunarchick - 01:52am Jul 2, 2001 EST (#6390 of 6390)

A point i made way back on the board is this:

If people 'anywhere' develop a legal avenue where they could say:

    Country 'A' has a flight path for missiles that goes over my city - and this is causing people psychological-terror that is real. The country 'A' might be 'made' to improve its conduct, and or, be fined.
    Countries that have 'land mines' littered all over them ought to be able to go to such a court and get compensation for victims .. to the $ extent that those bombs are prohibitively expensive to use - and are outlawed.
The question has to be asked -
Can it ever be considered alright to create chaos amongst whole populations, displacing them, destroying their hard-earned homes, killing people, sending people into exile with only the clothes on their back?

A futher commercial-point is this:

People have a value, there is a huge 'cost' and 'investment' to rear them to adulthood. No country can be strong and rich if that investment is depleted. Remember it's those with the highest levels of education who find it the easiest to cross National boundaries ... because the country to which they travel .. CAN SEE THE VALUE .. of a ready made working unit of humanity!

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