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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 07:41pm Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6352 of 6364)

Countries that have had technical excellence, but, are now struggling such as Russia .. are in a more ideal position to recoup, revamp and re-ignite, than third world areas.


Happy Birthday .. 80years old ... Chinese Communist Party is Eighty today (sunday) .. but suffers corruption of principles and is in need of a revamp.

    Especially when that country allows the harvesting of humans - organs and flesh - via the Liberation Army and Prison system. As in all prisons the chances are that people designated 'other' will be there ... Others in China might include folks from supressed cultures, additional to the drug trading merchants.
    This is why China must bring in reform re the death penalty.
    There's always a chance that some International-best Athletes could be thrown into Chinese Prisons re drug abuse (Sports people 'just can't help themselves') and there-by be shot and 'harvested' for organs !!!!
    How much would the Asian Business Man pay for such organs ?
Easy to see why 'thinking' countries would question the 2008 games going into China when Toronto is more into Human Rights with standards. Of course Australia (on the wings of Sydney 2000) isn't looking at human rights, only the chance to get their Olympic processing systems expertise into China .. and from their improve Trade and Understanding.

Raises the Question of can the Chinese sort out the 'monsters' in the Liberation Army, or, would the enfranchment of a Middle Class have to first happen along with increased democracy, before, China looks to reform the evils within!

rshowalter - 07:44pm Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6353 of 6364) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

The Chinese have a lot of sorting out to do - - - That country is such a mix of sanity, craziness, hope and horror.

Much of the time, they know the right things to do . . . or ought to.

lunarchick - 07:45pm Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6354 of 6364)

Have to add here that the USA death row candidates are composed of 'other' constituents .. raises the question as to what's wrong with the USA in that the 'others' aren't sitting more comfortably within society -- or is it just that 'others' are poor and get the poorest legal assistance. 'Others' do of course have to learn to value the Countries they live within and learn to work towards positive outcomes.

lunarchick - 07:48pm Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6355 of 6364)

The Chinese say that 'women' are boss in the family, perhaps more women should influence internal politics - from a humanist perspective - as elsewhere.

rshowalter - 07:49pm Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6356 of 6364) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

GREAT source of declassified documents and analysis: the National Security Archive:

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