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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 03:19pm Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6343 of 6351) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD5470 rshowalter 6/19/01 4:46pm ... MD5471 rshowalter 6/19/01 5:07pm
MD5472 rshowalter 6/19/01 5:08pm ...

Thomas Friedman's phrase

" I have no doubt that Kissinger is as cynical, mean and nasty a bureaucratic infighter and player of the game of nations as his most venomous critics have charged. At times, he can make Machiavelli sound like one of the Sisters of Mercy."

can't have been meant lightly, when one considers what Kissinger's critics have charged.

MD5473 rshowalter 6/19/01 5:12pm

" THAT is the core concern almarst has expressed, and backed up with argument and references, on this thread, again and again.

" I think he has an extremely valid point.


" Do some of Kissinger's policies look like Nazi policies to me? I've said so, not as name calling, but on specific bases that I can repeat -- the analogy between American military function and German function as shown in Casablanca is too close for my comfort, or almarst's .

" That needs to change. Change it, and it seems to me that all the other problems of security and peace become tractible for the first time.

MD5474 rshowalter 6/19/01 5:16pm

" We should fix the ugly parts of US foreign policy and military function.

" almarst doesn't have problems acknowledging many of the good things about the US, -- and I don't think Putin would either -- but the ugly, inhumane things are a crucial concern for him.

" America would be better, and safer, if we adressed these concerns.

MD 5475 almarst-2001 6/19/01 5:25pm

Making sure that this "cold war behavior" does not continue is an important issue of trust on which depend many military balance issues between the US, Russia, and other countries.

rshowalter - 03:46pm Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6344 of 6351) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Henry Kissinger on Trial: A Guide to the Controversy Surrounding the Diplomat from the Encyclopedia Britannica web site --February 2001

MD5784 rshowalter 6/22/01 1:05pm ... MD5785 rshowalter 6/22/01 1:05pm
MD5786 rshowalter 6/22/01 1:06pm ... MD5787 rshowalter 6/22/01 1:06pm

MD5870 rshowalter 6/22/01 8:41pm

" We aren't that far from a deal - - but the key problems, just now, are on the American side.

but also inclued this:

" gisterme , have you read the references collected in Britannica's KISSINGER ON TRIAL piece? . . .

Really read them?

" Don't they set out unfortunate circumstances?

" Isn't it reasonable that we try to do better?

We have to.

rshowalter - 04:02pm Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6345 of 6351) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Partly in response to Transforming Trust Into Trade By MIKHAIL S. GORBACHEV , I've set out things that the Russians could do, and that I think they need to work on, to make trade and economic cooperation between Russian and the US more workable. From MD6229 rshowalter 6/30/01 12:57pm ... to MD 6337 rshowalter 6/30/01 1:53pm I've set out issues, mostly discussed before on this thread, that emphasized Russian shortcomings.

After MD6339 rshowalter 6/30/01 3:05pm ...., I've referenced issues that involve central, essential issues that must be dealt with for any militarily sane "trust" -- and these posts have emphasized American shortcomings -- shortcomings that Russia, from time to time, may also show.

The problems involved, as they relate to peace, cooperation, and military balances are mutually dependent, and the solutions are mutually dependent as well.

For most of the 20th century, our countries have been closed to each other, at many levels.

We have chances to make contacts, at many levels, now. As contact increases,

trade can increase;

cooperation can increase;

we can see each other as full human beings;

we can negotiate with each other in more different ways, through more channels;

and we can check in more satisfactory ways, so that military reasons for fear can be better evaluated, and better controlled.

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