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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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midmoon - 10:40pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6268 of 6268)

Re Almarst,

almarst-2001 6/27/01 1:58pm

Natzism was an extremely narrow minded idelogy ,one just taking care of the Germans.

However, the Communism was theoretically a broader minded ideology when contrasted with the Natzism.

At least the creedos of the communism always have been in favor of the whole mankind and miserable masses.

However,this fact itself tells us that the communism ,after all,is no more than a matchless big fraud.

Just think about a simple thing.

Do you think anything other than a religion could proclaim to save the whole mankind or masses?

Do you think a mere artificial ideology from a vegabond ,actually a feeble thinking reed, can really do that?

My answer is that the communism has been a pseudo religion and a fraud in the past century and still it is.

Assuming a plausable mask of mystic religion,the communism has exploited thounsands of millions of the people during the last century.

Of course there has never been any kind of eternal paradise it had promised to bring to the followers and the forced believers.

The malices, the communism has brought to the mankind, has been much more greater than those the Natzism did because the scopes and coverages of the communism is much more broader than those of the Natzism.

Now let me go over arguments you have replied.

AS for the reason the germany provoked a war against the Russia you mentioned,you may be right.

But I think your thought is shortsighted.

If Russia had had enough military and ecnomic power to wage a full-scale war against to German at that time,it would have launched preemptive strikes on the German side first.

What is apparent is the fact that unfortunately the Russia had not been well equipped with sufficient conditions as such.

Anyway, Russia has become one of the victorious nations after the WWII, albeit it never did anything other than to keep its land.

In this sense, the Russia was mere a free rider.

The willingness to be a free rider may be the Russia's intrinsic nature as a nation.

The Russis was not only a free rider but also was a real glutton with never ending greediness.It swallowed up all the East European countries as the desserts of the WWII.

Right will prevail in the end! That's right.

Now Russia has been degenerated to one of the 3rd class nation in the world.

It need some money and still has its old bad habit,the greediness.

Henceforth, the Russia is now contrieving the ways to make money by taking advantage of the US' MD scheme.

It can be said that what Almarst is doing here now is to check the feasibility of that plot.


What I meant by Russian nationalism was the simple historical fact that the communist leaders of Russia in the past had utilized it to totalize the Russian people and to make them the blind-fold believers of the religion,the communism.

Nothing more than this and the idea came from my own thought.

I'll conclude this post by saying that if the world need a policeman,the US may be the right body to fit the post.

As of now,there is no other alternatives.

Contrary to your argument,the US can not be a Natzi state.

As I already have said,it's too open and too democratic and too diverse to be Natzi.

This is the reason why I support the US side in this debates.


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