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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 08:04pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6255 of 6268)

.... the CNN matter, moving the 'mental' decimal point along .. transposing figure postitions ... shows how fallible humans are ... so much so that all dangerous toys should be taken from them :)

rshowalter - 08:05pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6256 of 6268) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

lady, it ain't always possible -- but ought to be possible in this case.

We damn sure need may fewer of these dangerous "toys."

-- And any assurance we can find that we keep these "toys" out of crazy hands -- and keep them from being used for anything but, maybe, earthmoving jobs once a decade.

lunarchick - 08:09pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6257 of 6268)

Many fewer ... true ..

But Nations fall into the hands of dictatorial-Crazy's .. how can weapons with more 'masters' be kept safe!

lunarchick - 08:25pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6258 of 6268)

Fuzzy Information there's lots of it around. Even a J: International Jounal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems .. et al

rshowalter - 08:28pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6259 of 6268) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

gisterme , when Casey talked to me, he emphasized again and again that a good solution avoided fights and preserved infrastructure. Are those imperatives here? (I'd think so.)

Well, I'm hoping you'll think about this -- what do you mean by infrastructure -- what might one want to modify quickly -- and what could one modify? What's flexible, and what's fixed?

Programs that preserve infrastructure by "make work" have been common in military contracting since the 1950's -- but they've usually been stopgaps - -- administrative reasons not to fire personnell that needed to b preserved. - Makework isn't the way anybody would want to spend most of the resources.

-- just want to be sure that this sort of thing hasn't gotten out of hand.

If people think there's "nothing for these operations to do" -- maybe they ought to look harder for things that the people, and organizations could do -- with a shift of objectives.

Maybe I'm "barking up the wrong tree" here -- but . . .

lunarchick - 08:35pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6260 of 6268)

? meaning ... If an Organisation lacks vision, which has to be 'top down', there's wastage ...

lunarchick - 08:44pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6261 of 6268)

VISION: ~ ~ htm

lunarchick - 08:48pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6262 of 6268)


rshowalter - 08:59pm Jun 28, 2001 EST (#6263 of 6268) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

let me get back to gisterme's question.

I'll be a while posting again.

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