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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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possumdag - 09:42pm Jun 26, 2001 EST (#6114 of 6122)

Bwshism: 'You know, sometimes when you study history you get stuck in the past.'

possumdag - 09:46pm Jun 26, 2001 EST (#6115 of 6122)

The British used to say that the only true Communist was Jesus. Isn't the grave of Karl Marx a tourist attraction at Highgate London.

The cola plants were 'mobile' plants with the army, then post '45 the bottling factories went in. 99% water 1% syrup give x% profit!

possumdag - 09:54pm Jun 26, 2001 EST (#6116 of 6122)

GI: i hadn't got past the word 'government' ...

almarst-2001 - 09:55pm Jun 26, 2001 EST (#6117 of 6122)

possumdag 6/26/01 9:42pm

"when you study history you get stuck in the past."

Or you reflect and project from the past. Whatever it is, I see no other gauge to predict the future. The reasons and motives of the nation's acts don't change overnight. They are based on a past historical lessons and present geo-economical realities. Interestingly, today the Germany and Japan as much dependent on the foreign energy resorces as they where before the WWII.

possumdag - 10:48pm Jun 26, 2001 EST (#6118 of 6122)

I noted the 80:20 principle here Bwsh reports himself as doing 80% of the talking, and Puting 20% (with 80% of the listening) ... re history i was just reading through 'What is Hisory?' / CARR, EH Carr's moved towards the social influences (as did linquistits). Enabling interpretions from a wider cultural and environmental framework.

GI: looking here ...

    classified adj 1: arranged into classes [ant: unclassified] 2: official classification of information or documents; withheld from general circulation; "thousands of classified documents have now been declassified
    un·clas·si·fied (n-kls-fd) adj. Not placed or included in a class or category: unclassified mail. Of, relating to, or being official matter not requiring the application of security safeguards: unclassified defense documentation
one would imagine that there's a diffusion aspect to classifed and the catalyst is the dollar. Noticed on a tv doco re space that in '58 or '59 the Americans were way ahead in real time space photography .. until a Yank, for a golden purse of $5000 flogged the info off to the USSR ... so one would assume that placing 'classifed' stickers on 'ideas' is an indicator to the universally-greedy to make a fast buck.

My take on classified info is that most of it must be subject to the ancient 'theory of diffusion' pour red dye (read ideas) in water and they go global.
Lack of capital is the factor (of production) most likely preventing the incorporation and practial manifestation of 'classified' ideas - everywhere.

I wouldn't know .. have to rely on 'hollywood', tv-docos, journalists and 'history', for my take on the concept of 'classified' reality.

possumdag - 10:58pm Jun 26, 2001 EST (#6119 of 6122)

Alex, on history, said (9.55pm) : 'Or you reflect and project from the past. Whatever it is, I see no other gauge to predict the future.'

The nature of 'man' is a universal. But, creating history isn't just about looking for models from the past, rather it has to be a response to changing environments. The environment of today, isn't the environment of the past, and this makes decision making for leaders harder.

The basic wants and needs of people are as ever unchanging, wanting peace, and opportunities to mentally grow and shine.

possumdag - 02:48am Jun 27, 2001 EST (#6120 of 6122)

    Acronym ..... Definition
    INTEL .... Integrated Electronics
    COMPAQ ... Compatibility and Quality
Wonder if the Bwsh (conflict of interest) guy has divested his quarter of a million dollars worth of shares yet.
Did the Compaq-Intel alliance announcement send the shares up?
If it takes more than six months for the guy to get the letter that enables him to save on taxes ... where's the letter coming from .. Mars or Washington ?

Raises the question re the timelyness of the Bwsh Administration ... how would they cope if there was a crisis ... when they can't detail a snail mail letter to move from A to B?

lunarchick - 08:00am Jun 27, 2001 EST (#6121 of 6122)

The Intelligence Services Bill 2001, tabled in Parliament today, aims to bring greater transparency to the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) while maintaining secrecy.

    Mr Downer says the bill recognises spy organisations and outlines the roles of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service and the Defence Signals Directorate, and includes a structure for tougher parliamentary scrutiny.
    "Flowing from these measures, this Bill should provide increased assurance to the public in regard to the control and conduct of these agencies."

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