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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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possumdag - 01:16am Jun 26, 2001 EST (#6055 of 6058)




~ the mastermind behind the Reagan administration's worst foreign policy disaster


    To summarize the example, the Director of the CIA, William Casey, approached the Ex-Director of the CIA and current Vice President of the United States, George Bush, with the name of a vulnerable depository, the Banco Nacional de Panamá. Vice President Bush then arranged for a short term loan of $8 billion. Bush arranged for $4 billion to go to Iran to purchase super bills and $4 billion to go to Nana Debusia to be laundered into several private accounts. He (Bush) commissioned Oliver North to oversee the Iranian connection. North delivered $4 billion in U.S. currency to Iran. Iran gave North $8 billion in super bills in exchange for the $4 billion in good U.S. currency. North then delivered the $8 billion in super bills back to the Banco Nacional de Panamá. The loan transaction is now complete. There is $8 billion in super bills in the reserve vaults of the Banco Nacional de Panamá, there is $4 billion in authentic U.S. currency in the hands of the Iranians, and there is $4 billion in good currency with CIA launderer Nana Debusia. North sells the Iranians military hardware and parts for the amount of $4 billion and diverts a portion of the proceeds to the Contras of Nicaragua (Iran/Contra). Nana Debusia, in the meantime , is laundering the deposits of $4 billion through various banks, including the Vatican's bank in Italy. After several successful banking transactions, Debusia presents $3.8 billion in the sound deposits to numbered accounts in various locations. When the funding operation is complete, there is $4 billion in CIA accounts to be utilized for covert and black operations; there is $3.8 billion in private numbered accounts controlled by George Bush and William Casey. Pablo Escobar, the primary depositor is dead to ensure no one will withdraw the super bills. General Noriega is in U.S. federal prison and under constant U.S. guard to ensure his silence, and William Casey is dead, leaving $3.8 billion in good U.S. currency in the control of George Bush. said 'Since January 22, 1997 this page has had 64,143 accesses.'


Le Dag: 64,000 dollar question is ...
why doesn't the USA clean up the non-accountable zone of government !

lunarchick - 05:22am Jun 26, 2001 EST (#6056 of 6058)

Casey's life is worth attention from other intelligence professionals, because his (, is a) story of how power is acquired and exercised in this country(USA).

should read 'because his is a story of how power is acquired and exercised in the USA'

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One of the most disreputable characters in American Government finally got his reward two days ago, when former CIA Director William Casey died

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So CASEY the LAWYER is long DEAD
Does anyone have a problem with the number of lawyers who move into areas they have no ethical feel for ?

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