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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 10:52am Jun 23, 2001 EST (#5879 of 5892) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

There has to be a mix of justified trust, and careful mistrust, -- with checking, to keep things sorted out.

In finance, and military matters, too.

It is safer and easier, the more people tell the truth -- "send in clear" -- and the easier, and more expected, checking is.

And, no matter what anybody does, coping with things is hard enough.

lunarchick - 10:58am Jun 23, 2001 EST (#5880 of 5892)

The right to good ideas

~ RU: laws matter

~ Nazi

lunarchick - 11:01am Jun 23, 2001 EST (#5881 of 5892) (Pentagon-investment MD)

lunarchick - 11:09am Jun 23, 2001 EST (#5882 of 5892)

Putin's ploy Russia's leader deploys charm better than do America's allies Years of intelligence training have taught Vladimir Putin useful lessons about diplomacy. Like any good spy, he has learnt that the most effective way to influence others is to study their habits and adopt their assumptions. His meeting with President Bush and his subsequent briefing in the Kremlin of American journalists proved masterful. Americans set store by frankness, freshness, a pleasant smile and a readiness to listen. Washington officials had warned President Bush that he would find none of that in Ljubljana: he would meet a dour, suspicious and secretive man who was determined to reassert prickly Russian nationalism at the expense of American influence and security.

Instead, Mr Putin went out of his way to listen, to smile — even for the photographers — and playfully to practise a little English. Mr Bush was impressed, and said so. His Administration has dropped its dismissive attitude and hostile language, now talks of partnership with Russia and has reassured Moscow that it, too, is looking for a negotiated modification of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and will observe its provisions in full as long as it remains in force. Already there are signs of a struggle within the Administration between Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary who seems willing to ignore Russian opposition, and Colin Powell, who takes the usual State Department line of seeking accommodation. Mr Bush may now be a little more inclined to back General Powell.

Charm and personal chemistry go only so far. Mr Putin stretched the benefits further by professing himself charmed by Mr Bush. By calling leading American journalists to the Kremlin for his first foreign interview since his election — a point that he knows will count for much in the American press — he used the new atmosphere of mutual congratulation to set out Russian views with an impression of flexibility while in fact conceding nothing. ..... The Putin strategy looks nimble after the clumsy confrontation of America’s allies. It harks back to the old Soviet dream of the two superpowers doing deals above the heads of the rest of Europe. After his first bruising encounter, Mr Bush might find that more attractive than being hectored in Brussels and jeered in Gothenburg. ..more...,,56-2001210678,00.html

midmoon - 11:11am Jun 23, 2001 EST (#5883 of 5892)

This is an attempt to analyze a name in this forum the "rshowalter".

The "r" may stands for the writer's first name "Robert" or the last name "Robertson".

I any case he may be a descendent of Robin Hood a regendary English outlaw of the 12th century.

The "showalter" is trickier in some degree but can be easily devided into two parts the "show" and the "alter".

The first meaning of "show" is to "present to view".

"Alter" means other.

Therefore he is now showing intentionally and repeatedly something other than what the ordinary US citizen thinks.

The US folks are originally peace loving people.

To alter this,rshowalter is now furthering the hostile and antagonistic feelings against to the peace among the US people through internet.

Why is this man doing this?

Why does not the alter ego in this man's mind function its role to refrain this man's ego from doing those humble things?

Is there Anybody knows it?

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