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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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gisterme - 09:35pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5732 of 5746)

Good night, all. Thanks for the little break, Robert.

possumdag - 09:41pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5733 of 5746)

GI .. is your post above on trust 'gibberish' .. i couldn't follow the logic ... 'Trust Me'

salvatore5 - 09:51pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5734 of 5746)

Bush’s’ ratings are falling:

Its Time for a War! Or time for some XTC (music that is):


Nation Needed for war. USA seeks Third World nation for minor war. no experience necessary, must have minimal self defense. Non-white, non-Christian, inquire at the White House ask for Dubya. We are an equal opportunity employer!.

Most likely its a war on the environment!

Remember the “The Mouse that roared” starring Peter Sellers anyone?

possumdag - 09:57pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5735 of 5746)

possumdag - 10:13pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5736 of 5746)

Johnson - from Forum: SCI-Mysteries :

    dirac_10 - 05:55pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#950 of 966)
    g.johnson -
    They're talking about you behind your back on the missle defense forum again. Assuming g stands for george. Seems old george is known for lots of aliases.

possumdag - 10:20pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5737 of 5746)

GERMANY TRUTH and LIES depleted Uranium .. Lukaemia - 90,000 personel affected.

KOSOVO - lap top computer ... + CD ROM with TARGET AREAS ... found by Germans ..

Geramn O S went out 1999 ... cleaned up the American target sites!

The USA didn't mop up too well.

possumdag - 10:23pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5738 of 5746)

Death Penalty

Revenge approach in USA

EU governments set policy - not the mob - no Capital Punishment in the EU.

Seems USA wouldn't be invited to join!

possumdag - 10:58pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5739 of 5746)


mazza9 - 11:00pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5740 of 5746)


I'm flattered. So much intrigue surrounding LouMazza and Lou Mazza. A Lou Mazza from Minneapolis once contacted me and told me that his thorough search had discovered that there are 78 Lou Mazzas... and not a one of them is George Johnson.

As I mentioned previously I was stationed at Minot AFB in NDak and was very familiar with the SIOP. The Single Integrated Operations Plan. A somewhat innocuous name for the end of the world. The US would never preemptively start a war. Never was in the plans, and I suspect that, considering how a go code is issued, it never would be. I hope that the crazy president, as played in the movie with Christopher Walkin as the psychic and (the actor who plays the Prez in the TV show the West Wing) would be deterred by cooler heads should the President decide to "start the big one" You may not believe this but I never met a warrior that enjoyed what they did. They did what they did to insure our way of life. Big difference. I've actual met one of those rare ones who is alive to wear that little blue ribbon with the stars, and he voiced just that sentiment.

Remember it was Prez Clinton who changed our Launch on Warning Cold War procedure to one of Launch on Attack. This means that once the mushroom cloud is verified over NY or SF then a launch would occur. Sounds like Clinton was willing to absord millions of dead Americans before he would respond. Good idea? I don't think so.

For you people who don't understand MIRVing and a Laser BMD. there are several Clancy books, including "Cardinal of the Kremlin.

Lou Mazza aka LouMazza

possumdag - 11:10pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5741 of 5746)

Truth v Lies !

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