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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 05:08pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5472 of 5475) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Friedman's phrase

" I have no doubt that Kissinger is as cynical, mean and nasty a bureaucratic infighter and player of the game of nations as his most venomous critics have charged. At times, he can make Machiavelli sound like one of the Sisters of Mercy."

can't have been meant lightly, when one considers what Kissinger's critics have charged.

rshowalter - 05:12pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5473 of 5475) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

THAT is the core concern almarst has expressed, and backed up with argument and references, on this thread, again and again.

I think he has an extremely valid point.

  • **

    Do some of Kissinger's policies look like Nazi policies to me? I've said so, not as name calling, but on specific bases that I can repeat -- the analogy between American military function and German function as shown in Casablanca is too close for my comfort, or almarst's .

    That needs to change. Change it, and it seems to me that all the other problems of security and peace become tractible for the first time.

    rshowalter - 05:16pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5474 of 5475) Delete Message
    Robert Showalter

    I'd say, in terms of the expression of disciplined beauty that I've expressed on this thread a few times, that Kissinger is beautiful in some ways, in terms of some reasonable assumptions (considered in isolation)

    but also very ugly in terms of some other concerns, that are real issues.

    We should fix the ugly parts of US foreign policy and military function.

    almarst doesn't have problems acknowledging many of the good things about the US, -- and I don't think Putin would either -- but the ugly, inhumane things are a crucial concern for him.

    America would be better, and safer, if we adressed these concerns.

    almarst-2001 - 05:25pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5475 of 5475)

    rshowalter 6/19/01 1:20pm


    Sorry, but I can only speak of own feeling. However, during the bombing compain against Serbia I noticed a very critical of US-NATO publications in the mass media all over the world. Including some NATO countries. I don't know how lasting this effect will be. It seems the MD may only reinforce the sentiment and make things even worst.

    Even less can I tell about "feeling protected by US". In this category I would tentatively put Israel, Taiwan, Arab "Oil Kingdoms" and possibly, Japan.

    Again, based solely on my own PERSONAL intuition.

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