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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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gisterme - 07:48pm Jun 18, 2001 EST (#5397 of 5400)

Rshowalter wrote ( rshowalter 6/16/01 2:09pm ): "...Politeness and understanding aren't the same...

"Did you object to what I said...?"

I don't object to what you said there, Robert. I just can't agree. I don't think that ANY successful politicians in the last half century have been emulating Hitler. Most successful politicians in the last half century have been doing what other successful politicians from all of modern history have done.

It was Hitler who was emulating the successful politicians that preceeded him. That was part of the clever camouflage that elevated him to his seat of power; that along with his mezmerizing speaking skills.

In my view, if Hitler had been a successful politician there wouldn't have been 35 million dead because of his policies and Germany along with much of the rest of Europe would not have been left a smoking ruin.

Do you disagree with that?

almarst-2001 - 07:49pm Jun 18, 2001 EST (#5398 of 5400)


Do you honestly believe in officially declared reason for MD?

rshowalter - 07:54pm Jun 18, 2001 EST (#5399 of 5400) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

gisterme , you said,

In my view, if Hitler had been a successful politician there wouldn't have been 35 million dead because of his policies and Germany along with much of the rest of Europe would not have been left a smoking ruin.

And in the context of that statement, as stated, with "successful politian" used as it was used right there, I agree with you.

I have a committment. Out for today. I'll pay more careful attention to what you say in the morning.

rshowalter - 07:55pm Jun 18, 2001 EST (#5400 of 5400) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Sorry, almarst , I really do have to go.

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