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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 03:45pm Jun 18, 2001 EST (#5383 of 5400) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

A list of some of the NYT coverage closely related to President Bush is on proceeding postings. Prior dialog is at and before MD5377 rshowalter 6/18/01 3:14pm .

The mass of coverage of President Bush is so great that the President could never read it all.

The material on which he has to make judgements is, of course, much broader still.

It takes a staff, and any automated help possible to facilitate rather than impede human judgement, to deal with this.

Matters of war and peace, and international cooperation between the US and Russia, in the world as it is, are also intractably complicated, in similar reasons, and some of the interactions will take staffs to comb out and master.

rshowalter - 03:49pm Jun 18, 2001 EST (#5384 of 5400) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

When two cultures that are very different and have systematic misunderstandings have to make real peace, and learn to interact, that will take staffing, too.

Technically, and humanly, it is now possible.

I feel that it is worth doing.

Some will have to involve governments, but some ought to involve members of the broader societies of both countries.

We are different enough that we can't "take for granted" each other's minds -- minds that have been formed by "swimming" in very different "seas" of information.

gisterme - 03:55pm Jun 18, 2001 EST (#5385 of 5400)

rshowalter wrote: "...The history of the Bush family's connection with the NAZIS, especially in light of the fact that George Bush Sr. was appointed and served as a direct of CIA, is also worth considering, it seems to me..."

Is that due more consideration than the Kennedy family's connection to the nazis in the pre-war period, considering that later on JFK was president, RFK was Attorney General and Senator and that Bobby Kennedy is a Senator?

My understanding is that Joseph Kennedy, the family patriarch, had to resign his job in the Roosevelt administration because of his pro-nazi views. That resulted from his comment to the effect that democracy was obsolete given the new German model of government.

Of course those folks in either family didn't have the 20-20 hindsight that you seem to be so unfairly applying here, Robert. Keep in mind that the nazis pandered to wealthy and influential Americans and Brits. Don't forget that those things we both refer to took place before the evil of the nazis was revealed in a way that the world was ready to believe. Once the war started both families offered their sons to fight against Axis evil. That counts a lot more for me than what went before.

You should give that line of bad-mouthing the Bush family a rest. It is totally bogus. You and possumdag should know seems to me...

rshowalter - 04:15pm Jun 18, 2001 EST (#5386 of 5400) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I've had some concerns, and of course I could be wrong about them. In some ways it is somewhat like the Lewis story. There is so much information out there that, picking and choosing, you can come up with "a body of evidence" for a number of different positions, most, of course wrong.

All anybody can do is see patterns, consider them provisionally (and that means maintaining doubt) and check them when it matters enough.

I must say I've had some concerns, and had them a long time. . . . .

I'll also say that, fair or not, from personal conversations, a lot of Russians have a hard time making distinctions between us and the Nazis - - sometimes for reasons I can see.

The Nazis, after all, were similar in a lot of ways to the ancient Romans.

I certainly have been concerned with "big lie" techniques in the press (which, of course, were in use when Hitler was barely walking) . . . and very systematic patterns of misinformation -- that you can see in all sorts of situations, when governments exert authority.

  • * * * *

    All in all, I'm a good deal more interested in the future than in the past - - though I'm concerned about some things in the past. Some of the patterns that characterize the extreme right wing of the Republican party (and other parties, left and right, in outher countries) please me very little.

    I do think the facts, however extenuating the circumstances, argue that George W. Bush is descended from fallible people, like the rest of us. That means, to me, that he bears some checking, not only on issues of good judgement, but also on issues of good will. Again, like the rest of us.

    gisterme - 04:37pm Jun 18, 2001 EST (#5387 of 5400)

    rshowalter wrote: "...Perhaps the pictures are the most eloquent part of the story - - showing Bush in a typically "friendly" awkward-coercive stances, and showing Putin's discomfort and distaste..."

    Hahahahaha. Now there's a spin job if I ever saw one, Robert. That's a gas! That sounds more like wishful thinking on your part than anything that was shown in the pictures that I saw. All I saw was two world leaders chatting cordially as they walked down a tree-lined lane and two world leaders standing at identical podiums, one listening respectfully as the other spoke.

    Even if you believe what you said, it's hard for me to believe that you think many people would have reached the same conclusion based on the minute or so of video that was shown. Sounds more like you're trying to attach your biased view to the images in other people's minds. Isn't that a brain-washing technique? Is that what you mean by "psyche war"?

    If you can find a few who are weak-minded enough to let you plant your interpretaion in their minds, then you can have 'em. They can't think for themselves anyway. Personally, I don't know a soul who is unable to draw their own conclusions from watching a video. I also find it hard to imagine anybody but you reaching the conclusion you did. Does Dawn need YOU to tell her what she saw? Mercy!

    For me, all that statements like that do is destroy your credibility as an honest broker in this discussion.

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