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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 11:12am Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5270 of 5281) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

An individual can often be deflected from logical closure on any subject - no matter how much evidence there may be -- by distraction and emotional attack.

It is much harder with staffs.

Which is why, all over the world, and for thousands of years, staffs have been essential.

With the internet, staffs can be stronger, and have a better chance of getting to truth, and the background needed for good accomodations.

rshowalter 6/16/01 9:48am

lunarchick - 11:15am Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5271 of 5281)

Checking the Pakistan daily newspaper 'dawn', or was it the bbc, i noted that India and Pakistan will be having friendly talks ... a chance to reduce missile threats?

lunarchick - 11:23am Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5272 of 5281)

! !!

lunarchick - 11:30am Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5273 of 5281)

lunarchick - 11:32am Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5274 of 5281)

    'The Navy, two powerful shipyards, and their paid front men in Congress, have no qualms about lying to the American people.

lunarchick - 11:35am Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5275 of 5281)


rshowalter - 11:35am Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5276 of 5281) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

The "rogue nations" that are motivating the Bush administration's administrative blitz on missile defense seem to be losing their crazy-threatening character. That can be said of North Korea, of Iran, and to some extent of Iraq.

Back when I studied Nazi propaganda seriously, I was fascinated by how carefully the German population was taught to "identify" "jewish traits." -- There was essentially no validity at all to what people were being motivated to acknowledge -- it was a malevolent replay of " the emeror's new clothes" -- in Menken's terms "as devoid of merit as a herringfish is of fur" but that deceptive campaign was an essential part of the mass murder the Nazis carried out.

Perhaps the motivations of the Bush administration with respect to "Star Wars" are entirely different -- and entirely unrelated.

But based on what I've read and heard, the analogy between the tactics, and the arguments, seems striking.

One analogy is here -- people are being catagorized and demonized on the basis of amazingly sparse evidence.

This is one of the reasons, among many, why staffs can be important -- they can filter out deception that can overwhelm individuals - especially motivated ones.

I'm a motivated individual -- and of course I can be wrong.

The Bush supporters can be, too.

Things can be checked.

lunarchick - 11:46am Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5277 of 5281)

Interesting that the general population of Iran are 93% for normalisation of their country back to democracy with regular-ish dress and customs. A small clique of clericks still hold power ... even thought the majority of people are for modernisation and rational development.

Interesting how a small clique (anywhere) can stem the flow of the will of the people - for a time.

lunarchick - 11:52am Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5278 of 5281)


rshowalter - 12:04pm Jun 16, 2001 EST (#5279 of 5281) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Good so far! Perhaps we have reasonable human bases for peace and accomodation. Especially if we check facts, and do not make unreasonable mistakes.

The web is not very actively checked for accuracy, so some may question whether this site represents credible data and reasonable interpretation.

I believe that it may, and that people who know how selection processes in organizations occur in the United States may find the information here, in its interconnections, worth considering when the issue of unconditional trust of the Bush administration arises.

George W Bush went Awol and he is still getting away with it.

Staffs can check things of this nature, in a way individuals cannot, when they choose to do so.

With the questions that have been raised about the sanity and honesty of the present US missile defense initiative, I feel that the issue may merit attention. I found it interesting, and possibly helpful, if a view of circumstances that accounts for all the credible data on human survival is to be crafted.

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