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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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midmoon - 09:34pm Jun 15, 2001 EST (#5248 of 5252)

The Bush's address at Warsaw University today was very much impressive one to me. I haven't ever hear or read such kind of an wonderful speech since Kennedy's inaugural address.

Listening to it via CNN,I very much envied you Americans for having such a great leader.

Judging from what I have heard from his words,I can't find any nuances of the willingness to dictate other nations or to suppress the freedom of the people other than Americans in the world.

He said that he is going to suggest Putin the necessities of the economic reform and the development of democracy in Russia and to persuade him that the main purpose of the MD lies in the prevention of the proliferations of the nuclear weapons not in the US monopolization of the nuclear armament.

This is in line with what I have already said in this forum.

When I came first in this forum,I wondered why this forum confines the MD issue just between the US and the Russia.

I raised that question because I think the main motivation of the MD scheme is the China now successfully growing her great ambition to be a military hyper power in the world especilly in Asian region.

Someone laught at the China as a minor leaguer when I stressed the importance of the multinational relationship in discussing MD matter. I sicerely advise you must not sniff the China as a minor league ball boy,really she is not.

Now she is the most competent candidate to be a super power in about 20 years or so and this may be the most threat to the US and other nations at that time.

What matters is not the possibility of China's emergence to a super power but the fact that she is too unreliable and unbelivable to assum the right role of a janitor in the world class room of nations.

If China is going to be a military giant,Japan is also trying to be a military Titan.

The history pertaining to these two nations tells it.

In this sense, the US role as the world peace keeper is heavily important and her willingness to set up a new concept of defense system can be undeniably justifiable.

The distinguished thinkers and writers in this forum!

Please widen the scopes of your sights and the spectrums of your thought!

The world is not so narrow and there are many nations to be counted.

Why do you all cling to just one nation,Russia?!

lunarchick - 11:07pm Jun 15, 2001 EST (#5249 of 5252)

BwshPutin theme tune Son of former CIA Agent & former KBG agent will have lots in common?


'as you contribute to the board other posters respond - stay around for your feedback'

On China, the 2008 games are on their minds - even so they were happy to put a woman into prison for six years because she viewed (in her own home) a video of the TibetanLama - even so ..

.. TRADE is a factor that will push along the China bid for 2008. As trade opens up the chinese economy it may move it away from dictatorship towards a demand by the growing middle class for increased democracy.

Why is the Yelsin/Clinton relationship being reviewed ... weren't Putin/Clinton also leaders who met?

lunarchick - 11:17pm Jun 15, 2001 EST (#5250 of 5252)

Russian viewpoints
(Russians know little about Bwsh):

- Bwsh knows nothing about international politics and less about Russia.
- America - arrogant.
- Bwsh seen as wanting to dominate world.
- Some Russian intellectuals think Bwsh ok. Others see Bwsh as conservative & should look to USA domestic problems.
- Mutual Understanding will be on the Bwsh/Putin 2hour agenda.
- America/Bwsh seen as 'balancing the stick and the carrot' ... as per usual with US-Russian relations. (radioComment)

lunarchick - 11:22pm Jun 15, 2001 EST (#5251 of 5252)

Noted this verse:

Getting to know you -
Putin-g it my way, but nicely,
You are precisely
My cup of tea!

Taking us back to Alex and his Boston Tea Party Post! :)

lunarchick - 11:42pm Jun 15, 2001 EST (#5252 of 5252)

even The Shield of Achilles had a weak spot

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