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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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dirac_10 - 08:56pm Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4951 of 4956)

almarst-2001 - 08:52pm Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4949 of 4950) Dirac (who incidently is proud to spare my life;)

Am I proud that the US could have easily conquered the world and chose not to? You betcha. Very proud.

Why after that do I feel so bad?;)

Humility? Gratitude?

lunarchick - 08:59pm Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4952 of 4956)

Showalter isn't this why you've channelled your energy, efforts, emotion and emphasis into this board ..

lunarchick - 09:03pm Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4953 of 4956)

Supposing the 'world' could be conquored by the USA ... most of the inhabitants of which wouldn't know the difference between Austria and Australia .. the culture of the world would STRIKE back and subsume USA culture ... to the point where the world was the USA ... and the USA were ' all our yesterday men ' !

rshowalter - 09:03pm Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4954 of 4956) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

If people can get clearer on how ugly this situation is, and how ugly some of the ideas, moral standards, and tactics that have been in control on the American side have been, over time it may be possible to get this mess fixed.

Or the world will continue to be in real danger of ending -- and in increasing danger, because the situation is so crazy.

I don't have anything more to say tonight. Perhaps I will in the morning.

lunarchick - 09:05pm Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4955 of 4956)

bbc:talkingpoint Does Europe need the US? President George W Bush is due to meet European leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin when he makes his first visit to the continent this week. But does Europe need the US?

lunarchick - 09:07pm Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4956 of 4956)


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