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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 01:03pm Jun 3, 2001 EST (#4467 of 4473) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Key points, concisely made, about REAL problems the world, and especially the US, needs to face, if real peace is to be possible. Problems much more tangible than the threat of rogue missiles -- problems which, if better adressed, would give America more to be proud of, and less to fear.

almarst-2001 3/16/01 4:28pm

lunarchick - 05:10pm Jun 3, 2001 EST (#4468 of 4473)

Interesting to note how the adult cowards of the world pick on children to brainwash and carry out adult hatreds.

The mind of a youth is said to be more polarised than the mind of a mature adult. The polarised mind sees things as right/wrong black/white good/evil friend/enemy. The growing mind doesn't see varied shades of grey. Can't recognise the 'value' of 'Others' within the hearts of their family.

The UN might look into the abuse of young people who are brainwashed, to become Jihad bombers, (any terrorist bomber) by 'adults'..... who are cowards and hide behind the child.

The deprogramming of Terrorists ... to some extent relies on these guys 'growing up' ... and when they do, and realise what they did, and who set them up to do it ... their lives lack contentment.

rshowalter - 05:50pm Jun 3, 2001 EST (#4469 of 4473) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

To some degree, the "adult cowards of the world" do the same to all soldiers -- who are put into situations where they do (and believe) what they're told. Human beings, including young adults, are easy to train, suggestable, and obedient. Young children are essentially helpless before authority.

SN1422: rshowalter "Science in the News" 8/29/00 7:26am ... SN1423: rshowalter "Science in the News" 8/29/00 7:27am

illustrated by The 'Heathen a poem by Rudyard Kipling on military training, and

SN1427: rshowalter "Science in the News" 8/29/00 8:03am

rshowalter - 06:20pm Jun 3, 2001 EST (#4470 of 4473) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

From MD317: lunarchick 9/27/00 9:38pm

That's an order !
classic study in this area:

Dawn Riley also had some interesting links following:

Trying to lie about Chernobyl backfired

Changing hearts: how to?

coldWar (1995IndiaPakistan);

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