

 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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almarst-2001 - 12:05am May 14, 2001 EST (#3819 of 3823)

artemis130 5/13/01 11:56pm - "... of all the people who don't support a grand BMD but you think, would - are the jewish democrats, who have every incentive to want Israel effectively protected."

I didn't understand what do you mean. Are you saying the Jewish democrats ought to be for the MD?

If that, there is little I care about the position of Jewish democrats after their stand in the bombing of Yugoslavia.

Those are all the same class of spineless professional politicans, manipulators and self promoters. Jewish or otherwise.

almarst-2001 - 12:11am May 14, 2001 EST (#3820 of 3823)

artemis130 5/14/01 12:00am

"No wonder the U.S. is such a feared nation."

I don't think so. Fear may be associated with respect. However, I think the US is rather hated and disgussed then feared.

artemis130 - 01:04am May 14, 2001 EST (#3821 of 3823)
caveat venditor

I didn't understand what do you mean. Are you saying the Jewish democrats ought to be for the MD?

It's simple, really. What nation is most at risk for a missile attack - Israel, no?

Who vehemently defends Israel, if not American Jews, democrat or otherwise?

Who was Bush trying to throw his bone to when he said "we intend to protect our allies with this missile defense"?

Who is amongst the most sceptical of an NMD, if not most democrats?

Ergo: poisoned water to a man dying of thirst.

The NATO issue is entirely separate.

lunarchick - 01:15am May 14, 2001 EST (#3822 of 3823)

A factor not taken into account is that a current 'friend' may be a future enemy.

The guns of Singapore faced the water ... it wasn't ships but overlanders who made it 'fall'.

The better way is an interlinked economy - it outfoxes political strategy ... note the real China-USA relations .. both sit-in with their Taiwanese bank managers!

rshowalter - 07:04am May 14, 2001 EST (#3823 of 3823) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I'll be responding. But permit me to post this now.

Pleas for continuation of the "How the Brain Works" board:
bw2328: possumdag 5/10/01 7:03pm ... bw2329: rshowalter 5/11/01 10:23am
MissileDefense3700: rshowalter "Missile Defense" 5/11/01 5:24pm
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