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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 06:21pm Apr 25, 2001 EST (#2602 of 2604) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

rshowalter 4/25/01 9:01am
rshowalter 4/25/01 9:01am
rshowalter 4/25/01 9:02am
rshowalter 4/25/01 9:06am

and especially a technical point in rshowalter 4/25/01 9:06am

I've said that:

" Missile defense, as it was ordered by Reagan, and still today, is a technical fraud. Although in such a large effort there will be isolated interesting pieces of work (miraculously few for the money).

" At the system level, missile defense has always been, and is now, "as devoid of merit as a herringfish is of fur."

" The only explanation I can see, and one that seems consistent with a great deal, is that it is being sold so hard because it is a lie. A lie that people in power are willing to defend at all costs (including the cost of more fraud, and continued treason.)

Perhaps I'm wrong about all this. That could be discussed. But how easy would this discussion be for goverment servants with much of their net worth, or their hopes for money in the future, tied to speculative finance?

I might also wonder: How easy are these questions for the specialists in speculative finance who specialize in military-industrial involvements, but whose stock-in-trade is their integrity, their judgement, and their status?

rshowalter - 06:33pm Apr 25, 2001 EST (#2603 of 2604) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

rshowalter 4/21/01 7:01pm
rshowalter 4/21/01 7:03pm
rshowalter 4/21/01 8:15pm

and especially:
rshowalter 4/23/01 5:29pm

rshowalter - 06:44pm Apr 25, 2001 EST (#2604 of 2604) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Some things take a while, and must be approached indirectly. budrap "Black Holes and the Universe" 6/11/98 6:12pm

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