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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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idenbade - 09:59am Jan 27, 2002 EST (#11078 of 11101)


Srochno naydi mamu, chtoby ona pozvonila po telefonam , kotorye ya ey dala. U menya net bileta na samolet, i nikakih svedeniy o rezervacii. Samolet zavtrauletaet v 7 utra do etogo vremeni nuzhno vse vyyasnit' Ya v shoke!!! Telefony pokotorym mne zvonit' seychas v Pol'shu +48602889043, +48503620577. Esli ne poluchaetsya zvonit' cherez +, probuy cherez 0.


Go read this book!

Cuba in Revolution: Escape From A Lost Paradise

Hardcover - 421 pages

Cuba in Revolution - Escape From a Lost Paradise is set to cause shock waves in the political landscape and US-Cuba relations! Dr. Faria uses the common thread of his escape from Cuba to tell the real story behind Castro's workers' paradise.

With the story of escape from communist Cuba with his father and relating it to the revolutionary history of Cuba, Faria provides a compelling setting for exposing the miserly conditions in Cuba today and the reality of living under the unbearably oppressive, totalitarian island regime. Faria vividly relates the atrocities committed by the communist regime of Fidel Castro and talks about the brutality of the peasant democide, the relocation camps, the arrests, the executions by firing squad, and the unreported acts of courage.

Cuba in Revolution covers other troubling topics, which Faria, with his academic credentials and singular experience, is able to weave together to present as an intriguing, suspenseful, and epic narrative.

Author Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D.

rshow55 - 10:13am Jan 27, 2002 EST (#11079 of 11101) Delete Message

Search "conspiracy." There are 6 search pages on this thread, many interesting, especially the earliest ones.

Enron , by many reasonable definitions, was a conspiracy. The longstanding effort to claim far more (and spend far more) than justified on missile defense programs that cannot possibly work tactically has elements of conspiracy, too.

rshow55 - 10:19am Jan 27, 2002 EST (#11080 of 11101) Delete Message

I'm very glad to see the distinguished and very reasonable Op.Ed piece Organizing the World to Fight Terror by IGOR S. IVANOV , Russian Foreign Minister

Much of this thread deals with subjects related to those that Minister Ivanov speaks of. MD11068 rshow55 1/26/02 4:14pm For a long time, that was central to the topic of this thread.

The need for openness, and international relations built on trust is very great. Towards that end, it is useful that things be checked. MD11071 rshow55 1/26/02 6:11pm

I'll be commenting about Ivanov's distinguished piece, and relating it to dialog on this thread, later.

People and nations do make their systems work better. Russia has made great progress since "Muddle in Moscow" .....

Efforts on this thread may not have had anything to do with any of that progress, but lchic and I have tried to be constructive. md7389 rshowalter 7/24/01 7:18pm

Many fine postings by "almarst" have, I feel, been distinguished and constructive as well.

Opportunities for a safer, more prosperous world are very great -- but they depend on openness, and correct decisions. I believe Ivanov's piece states some of the most essential opportunities eloquently and well.

lchic - 10:44am Jan 27, 2002 EST (#11081 of 11101)

Cuba - lives in a 'time-warp' .. the question to ask is 'What is the Succession Plan?' post Castro?

In Dali Lama fashion, perhaps Elian Gonzalez (rubberDuckyRaftBoy) has been chosen to become Cuba's next leader !?

lchic - 10:49am Jan 27, 2002 EST (#11082 of 11101)

JawG - after the sojourn to Cuba, and with the ColdWar over, supposedly, and done with, for more than a decade ... and with the USA's treasury coffers at their lowest ebb - perhaps you might expound YOUR-your_keepers design to rid us of Nukes ... ?
Or doesn't original thought enter in .. on the wordage/fee counter?

lchic - 10:54am Jan 27, 2002 EST (#11083 of 11101)

Radioactive - bad outcome:

    Department of Energy released a report detailing the May 14, 1997, chemical explosion of a 400-gallon storage tank that released plutonium and other hazardous chemicals in a yellow-orange air-borne plume that contaminated several workers, as well as spreading offsite and across a public highway. In addition, the DOE admitted a complete failure of their emergency-response plan and reaction.

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