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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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rshow55 - 07:53am Jan 11, 2002 EST (#10734 of 10741) Delete Message

People need to exercise judgement (and that includes a willingness to doubt) in senses that I feel were eloquently explained in a sermon that I've posted here a number of times. .

The point is made in the whole 20 minute sermon, and the sermon is largely secular after the first 9 minutes. The Bush administration, it seems to me, is fooling around with mattes of life and death, and "taking matters on faith" that no serious religious person ought to condone. When facts matter enough, checking must be a moral obligation.

The Bush administration is also hanging onto its "right" to commit mass murder --- mass murder FAR beyond 9/11 -- and taking step after step moving away from honest conduct, and away from international relations based on rational trust -- when our safety requires honesty, and trustworthy conduct.

rshow55 - 07:54am Jan 11, 2002 EST (#10735 of 10741) Delete Message

This administration has taken some honest and direct approaches on significant things that were evaded before. Somewhat more of them after 9/11 . That's good. Evasions make things go wrong in ugly, expensive, unjust, unpredictable, and dangerous ways. rshowalter 9/30/01 4:14pm

But too often, we squander the good things we do, by doing other things that are outrageous.

Recent military actions have reflected concerns set out in almarst-2001 9/30/01 5:59pm to a much greater degree than previous military actions did. Thats progress. But we can squander that progress by acting, and appearing to act, in bad faith.

Americans need to be WORTHY of the GOOD THINGS people associate with this flag - - not just wave it.

Our allies, and people all over the world, should be able to expect that.

rshow55 - 07:55am Jan 11, 2002 EST (#10736 of 10741) Delete Message


MD9057 rshowalter 9/14/01 1:26pm ... MD9440 rshowalter 9/19/01 7:07am

lchic - 04:49pm Jan 11, 2002 EST (#10737 of 10741)

Facts and figures and Bush - re Enron the fallen giant lestatdelc "The Collapse of Enron-- Moderated" 1/11/02 1:17pm

lchic - 02:03pm Jan 12, 2002 EST (#10738 of 10741)

President Musharraf's Address to the Nation from:

Musharraf seems to be saying and doing the right things. If he wants His Nation to move forward wrt education and development the next emphasis has to be emphasis, direction, praise with an inbuilt token cultural reward system to give acknowledgement to the new visionary path.

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