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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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good_guy - 02:48pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10566 of 10657)

idenbade - 02:35pm Dec 27, 2001 EST (#10548 of 10560)

Enron Pays Dems, Hires Clinton Lawyer. ...Failed energy giant Enron Corp. has hired the attorney who represented Bill Clinton against sexual harassment victim Paula Jones, and a week before filing for bankruptcy protection the company gave $100,000 to the Democrats, the Associated Press reported today.

Since 1989, Enron has made nearly $5.8 million in campaign contributions, 73 percent to Republicans, AP said. ... The Dems claim they won't keep the latest $100,000,

Tovah Ravitz-Meehan, a mouthpiece for the Democrats' Senate fund-raising committee, said the head of the group, Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., wants Enron's money to be given to a charity - so far not specified - helping canned Enron workers.

"It wasn't right to keep it, and it wasn't right to give it back to Enron, so we're looking for charitable options," Ravitz-Meehan insisted. Seeing as how Bennett is involved, perhaps some of the money should go to a fund helping the many women who have been sexually assaulted by a certain morals-free ex-president.

ME ~ Idenbade, just more of your never ending Clinton bashing, that you stupid right-wing religious fundamentalists can't control yourselves from.

So let's look at some facts:

FACT: ~ Enron was reformed (?) drunken, doper Bush's biggest $ contributer durning his failed bid for president. ...He was appointed by a right-wing SC.

FACT: ~ Enron, behind closed doors with vice-pres. Cheney, wrote the U.S. energy policy, which dealt a disasterous blow to the U.S. economy, especially the 5 western states, and runied California's economy. ...Don't expect too many Republican votes out of here in the future.

FACT: ~ Enron is not only in bed with Bush & the Republican party, they are passionate lovers.

FACT: ~ Idenbade, only right-wing, Clinton bashing sickos like you & your ilk could could possibly try to link Enron with Clinton, liberals, or the Demos. ...Seek help turkey, you're in dire need of same.

Atheist Bill

good_guy - 02:50pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10567 of 10657)

idenbade - 02:32pm Dec 27, 2001 EST (#10546 of 10560)

'Black Hawk Down' Was Set to Blame Clinton for 9/11

Before its final edit "Black Hawk's" closing crawl highlighted a series of events following the Somalia mission, including Clinton's humiliating troop withdrawal from the country, the humanitarian disasters in Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo and, finally, the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11.

"With what happened in Mogadishu, with the way that all came down, you end up with the terrorism we see today," ME ~ Here we see yet more of Idiotbade's Clinton bashing. ...1st) You seem to dis-remember that Clinton inherited Somalia from Bush the elder. ...2nd) While bashing Clinton's withdrawal from Somalia as humiliating, you again dis-remember Reagan's troop withdrawal from Lebanon after the terrorist attack which killed over 200 American military men in an American military compound whose gates were guarded by soldiers whose guns had NO bullets. I guess Reagan was afraid that the gate guard might actually shoot a terrorist.

Idiotbade, by blaming Clinton for terrorism and 9/11, you have gone completely off the deep end and have proved not only that you are sans honesty & integrity, but are also sans any decency what-so-ever. ...As promised, I am providing you with another link that will expose you to the harsh light of reality, but if you fear TRUTH, then don't click HERE

Atheist Bill

idenbade - 02:58pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10568 of 10657)

"On Lasers ... the UK can hit a coke tin at 300 yards - as used in clearing runways ... but .. we are lead to believe that the accuracy in terms of US missile testing is far greater"

You have no idea do you? We have been bouncing lasers off of a classified device on the moon for many, many years now. This device has a circumference of 10 cm. I would say that is darn accurate wouldn't you? I guess you might not understand just how big 10 cm is. About the size of a CD. We were also targeting the device during some of the worst EMR storms in the past 20 years and the device was struck each time. Because of the device on the moon we have been able to track the moons orbital movement away from the Earth that averages .2mm per year.

There are many other success stories that I can't talk about... classified. You don't know 1% of what is really is going on, nor could you. So until you have the facts in front of you when things become declassified you can't comment on how well the technology operates or is some cases does not. Every lab has its failures but in the MD labs there is adulation an copious amounts of success that you have not heard about nor will you until it is declassified.

idenbade - 03:13pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10569 of 10657)

Good guy,

Your integrity is blown because you accused me of being a religious right wing nut and a "Christian" to boot! You are not observant enough and you jumped the gun! I am neither. So when you can come down to reality with the 80+% of Americans then lets talk! I guess you have been missing all of the polls that were just released yesterday and today that shows Mr. Bush enjoying the highest poll numbers EVER and hold higher numbers then any president from the inception of polls. It seems you are a person full of hate... take it someplace else.

Bottom Line: You hard core liberals just can't find it in you to say you were wrong about the man. To bad your hate blinds you to the fact Pres. Bush is a good man.

idenbade - 06:23pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10570 of 10657)

No.... the post shows how the "Media" likes to filter the truth and to mislead people on what actually happened. The boos aimed at Hillary are part of the record and to delete the boos is tantamount to flat out censorship! The boos should have been left in.

If the boos were to be removed then a disclaimer should state that the presentation was "Edited" and parts were "left out" and or "changed" and does not reflect the "actual" event as it happened. I guess the liberal way is "Freedom of Speech" only for those that agree with them. Yes the boos were ugly, but what is more offensive is to selectively remove the things you don't agree with.

There was NO disclaimer and the video was very misleading to what actually happened that night.

lchic - 07:50pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10571 of 10657)

Not a word from ID en blade re the postings i put up for you ... why bother ... I think my 'Yawn' comments above are therefore an adequate strategy!

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