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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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gisterme - 03:17am Oct 30, 2001 EST (#10253 of 10657)

ledzepplin wrote (ledzeppelin 10/29/01 1:51am ):

"...Whatismore Afganistan is like it is because, no one really cared....."

Right especially those folks who bombed the place to rubble in the first place.

"... and a high energy biscuit now, is not the answer!..."

Just let 'em starve, right? You're good at saying what the answer isn't aren't you, ledzepplin? So tell us, what is the answer?

"...The US and UK stating whom will govern, blah blah blah... is less than helpful no one has realised that this is a Islamic state and its not for Blair or Bush to dictate whom will govern them,..."

I guess you didn't notice that one reason that OBL says he hates the US is because the US didn't tell them what to do when the Russians left. Hmmm, sounds like damned if you do, damned if you don't, right ledzepplin? You're getting as bad as almarst.

"...indeed we all forget the geriatric King we all now love was kicked out by his own family......"

Isn't that better than slaughtering them? That's what Saddam did to some of his friends and relatives. Saddam, OBL and the Taliban all belong to the same club.

"...Oh well so its ok for democracies to now create Kingdoms?"

Naa. All that king could possibly do is help negotiate some tribal BS because he understands the place far better than you or I. That's all that's been proposed. Why would he want to be king of that god-forsaken place when he can live in a comfy villa in Italy? Also, since we're recalling facts here, don't forget that the Taliban leadership are foreigners in Afghanistan. They are Arabs not Afghans.

As for missile defense, even the system we've tested so far will be better than nothing when OBL or Saddam get their hands on an ICBM. Do you doubt they'll hesitate to use an ICBM when they get one? I don't...except the first one probably won't be able to reach the USA. It will probably land someplace in Europe...and of course, it will be launced from someplace that the folks behind the launch don't care about, like Afghanistan.

When that happens, it will be the pinnacle of OBL's attempt to transform Islam from a religion of peace to a religion of death. As for Saddam, he never cared about Islam in the first place.

armel7 - 01:17pm Oct 31, 2001 EST (#10254 of 10657)
Science/Health Forums Host

Hi, all. While your discussion has been good, we need to keep things here focused on the strategic and technological issues of Missile Defense. This is not a forum to discuss US foreign policy or the Taleban.

Those issues should be discussed here.

Your host,
Michael Scott Armel

armel7 - 01:35pm Oct 31, 2001 EST (#10255 of 10657)
Science/Health Forums Host

News:China still sells arms to Iran and Iraq.

Is this strategic motivation to proceed with MD?

Your host,
Michael Scott Armel

mazza9 - 03:17pm Oct 31, 2001 EST (#10256 of 10657)
Louis Mazza


Good Question!

In a recent post I mentioned that Iran was beginning serial production of a 1300 Kilometer rocket. This means that it can reach Jerusalem from Western Iran and almost Delhi from Eastern Iran. Why is it putting this missile into production? To waste money or to meet some Iranian strategic objective?

India recently launched three satellites for commerical customers. That means that it can lob a nuclear warhead, (they have them remember) anywhere in the world. Might they experience a mistaken launch with an inmpact point in Hoboken NJ? Maybe. Do we need a missile defense against these missiles? You betcha.


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