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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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rshowalter - 07:40pm Oct 8, 2001 EST (#10177 of 10188) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

The New York Times is a major source of information about missile defense. Articles from that corpus are listed here periodically, with links.

MD7006 rshowalter 7/13/01 1:02pm ... MD7647 rshowalter 7/31/01 11:42am
discuss the corpus, and the complexity, richness, and challenge of it, and link to many articles on missile defense that have been discussed on this thread.

Listings of missile defense articles in the Times , for week periods, with links, are set out in

MD7648-7651 rshowalter 7/31/01 11:42am

MD7785-7787 rshowalter 8/8/01 2:47pm

MD7910-7912 rshowalter 8/19/01 3:08pm

MD8155-8157 rshowalter 8/26/01 1:51pm

MD8310-8312 rshowalter 9/2/01 10:12am

MD8711-8714 rshowalter 9/9/01 4:24pm

Links to most of the articles related to missile defense in the Times since September 9 follow. For the last week, these articles have links. For the others, there are short summary sentences.

rshowalter - 07:42pm Oct 8, 2001 EST (#10178 of 10188) Delete Message
Robert Showalter


October 7, 2001 From Russia, With Realism For his cooperation since Sept. 11, President Putin deserves Washingtons gratitude. But any substantive changes in Russia policy must still be evaluated on an issue-by-issue basis.

A Time of Reckoning By FAWAZ A. GERGES October 8, 2001 Whether Muslims in the Middle East and Asia accept that the American effort is not a battle against Islam will bear on their fate and also the success of the war against terrorism.

October 7, 2001 Touch of Evil By MAUREEN DOWD We are in Blair Witch territory, letting our imaginations filigree the unknown and unseen, bracing for the next terrible thing.

September 30, 2001 We Love the Liberties They Hate

Yes, but What? by Thomas L. Friedman Yes, America should look a little deeper into its policies and actions, but were not the only ones who need to look in the mirror.

Eastern Middle School (October 2, 2001) by Thomas L. Friedman

Talk Later (September 28, 2001) by Thomas L. Friedman

Terrorism Game Theory (September 25, 2001) by Thomas L. Friedman

Our Relentless Liberation (October 8, 2001) by William Safire As we liberate long-ravaged Afghans, let us be equally relentless — President Bushs word — in liberating oppressed Iraqis.

High Cost of Coalition October 4, 2001 by William Safire The trouble with seeking to build a grand intelligence coalition is that too often those willing to rat on Terrorist A are harborers of Terrorist B at home and blackmailees of Terrorist C abroad.

For a Muslim Legion (October 1, 2001) by William Safire

All Is Not Changed (September 27, 2001) by William Safire

The Ultimate Enemy (September 24, 2001) by William Safire

October 7, 2001 Afghanistan After the Taliban By OLIVIER ROY Ay post-Taliban government will have to, at least in the short term, cobble together a coalition based on recognizing the countrys various centers of power.

October 7, 2001 Extremisms Theological Roots By MARK LILLA To what degree does any religion bear responsibility for those who speak in its name?

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