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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 01:46pm Oct 1, 2001 EST (#10059 of 10062) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

So you're saying

"sticks and stones . . . ?"

Well, if that's your only objection, I'll accept it.

How about the substance? With reflective coatings as effective and cheap as they are, the lasar weapon programs -- even if they eventually the solved a long list of other problems that look like showstoppers - - are hopeless.

Not long shots. Hopeless.

Perhaps I should be more respectful:

I respectfully suggest, that with life short, engineering manpower scarce, and lots of things that need doing, in defense and elsewhere, the lasar weapons programs be shot between the eyes (by which I mean, shut down completely, and quickly) and the valuable people and resources now tied up with them redeployed.

Doing everything possible to be just to the people, and to arrange things so they can be productively, honorably, and happily redeployed on things that are possible.

rshowalter - 01:47pm Oct 1, 2001 EST (#10060 of 10062) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I think similar things ought to be said about a lot of other "Star Wars" programs - - and that we ought to stop lying, and corrupling our systems in all sorts of unpredictable but degrading and expensive ways - and get on with doing things that need to be done, and that can be done.

rshowalter - 01:50pm Oct 1, 2001 EST (#10061 of 10062) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

If that's nay saying , I think that it is nay saying of a highly patriotic and responsible kind.

I am proud to "say nay" to programs which are hopeless, and which are closing off possible and practical hopes elsewhere.

rshowalter - 01:56pm Oct 1, 2001 EST (#10062 of 10062) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I'm keeping promises I made to Bill Casey, with the risks to the world, in my judgement, so high that I have to do it - - but I'd like to do may bit for the country, see if I might negotiate to be paid as Casey promised -- and get onto other things.

I've got some interests in appled math, and applications - a list of things, each a lot more fun than this, that I've put aside because I thought (and still think - but there is progress) that the world could end unless a few simple things get fixed.

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