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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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possumdag - 11:54pm Oct 1, 2001 EST (#10045 of 10055)

    the UK's premier scientific organisation, the Royal Society, had been asked to set up the scientific inquiry committee. "Committees have previously been appointed on a purely ad hoc basis. No effort was made to identify the best people," Fergson-Smith said. (re Checking)

vic.hernandez - 06:36am Oct 2, 2001 EST (#10046 of 10055)

Re: Almarst #1023 and rshowalter # 1024

You have got to be kidding. To put your question back to you, please explain the moral superiority of our opponents. The US may have made mistakes in the past, but it has not made terror a sole instrument of power projection.

I believe it was Mao who said that the guerilla fighter must be like one of the fish in the school until it was time to strike. That being the case, the other members of the school had better be united in opposition or the predators win.

We have reached a time where you can no longer stand on the sidelines and wring your hands about the actions of those that are doing. By not acting in support of opposing those who would do this type of thing, you support them by providing them camoflauge. Now is the time for you to use some of that self-vaunted intellect of yours to help find and punish the perpetrators, planners, and supporters of actions like the September 11th attacks.

rshowalter - 07:18am Oct 2, 2001 EST (#10047 of 10055) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

You want help for that, call me on the telephone. I wouldn't be surprised if I might be able to make a small contribution. All I could do, of course, would be to make suggestions - that people who knew more, and knew different things, and were differently connected, would have to use.

rshowalter - 07:20am Oct 2, 2001 EST (#10048 of 10055) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Your point about unity, as you express it, stinks. Not because it is wrong in every way, but because, in many of the ways you will want to use it, it is wrong and degrading in many senses.

America has to be better than that, different from that in many ways, and not that simple.

rshowalter - 07:44am Oct 2, 2001 EST (#10049 of 10055) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

vic.hernandez 10/2/01 6:36am there is no contradiction between saying that the United States has done some terrible things, that it should fix , and saying that Bin Laden, and other terrorists should be brought to justice.

Your "who is better than who -- an a simple linear scale" -- is inhumanly simple -- and lets people justify horriffic actions.

On the posting below, connected to your questions - there are tensions, but where are contradictions?

I don't see any.

The United States can and should defend itself, it can't do everything right, and it can't do everything at once, but it has done many things that are terrible, and as for Johnathan Edwards, I think the Bush family and its associates have a lot to answer for.

MD1022 rshowalter 3/15/01 10:16am ... MD1023 rshowalter 3/15/01 10:23am
MD1024 rshowalter 3/15/01 10:35am ... MD1025 almarst-2001 3/15/01 12:10pm
MD1026 almarst-2001 3/15/01 12:20pm ... MD1027 rshowalter 3/15/01 1:29pm
MD1028 rshowalter 3/15/01 1:43pm ... MD1029 rshowalter 3/15/01 1:45pm

We need to be WORTHY of the GOOD THINGS people associate with this flag - - not just wave it. Or hide behind it. . . We should not use "patriotism" - or an overblown interpretation of a relatively small threat, considered in the scheme of things, to justify kinds of simple-minded arrogance and cruelty of which we should be ashamed.

possumdag - 08:22am Oct 2, 2001 EST (#10050 of 10055)

Mao vic.hernandez 10/2/01 6:36am took down the middle class (and the economy) by setting children against parents. A Mao power strategy.

George W Bush wheeled and dealed in oil with the 'Laden family, such close contacts yet little to no 'awareness'.

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