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    Missile Defense

Nazi engineer and Disney space advisor Wernher Von Braun helped give us rocket science. Today, the legacy of military aeronautics has many manifestations from SDI to advanced ballistic missiles. Now there is a controversial push for a new missile defense system. What will be the role of missile defense in the new geopolitical climate and in the new scientific era?

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lunarchick - 10:13am Oct 6, 2000 EDT (#386 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

lunarchick - 06:08am Oct 7, 2000 EDT (#387 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

How powerful are unstructured organisations as against the structured? An organisation that it small and close to marchers who want to ban the bomb ... supports the marchers. An organisation that becomes overly large .. supports the organisations need to be sustained. Can big organisations be too remote from the people they are meant to serve?

kalter.rauch - 07:59am Oct 7, 2000 EDT (#388 of 396)
Earth vs <^> <^> <^>

Hmmmmmm......that sounds like a page out of a communist cadre` commander's field manual.

"Can big organisations be too remote from the people they are meant to serve?"...... lunarchick Oct 7, 2000

Not if they've got tunnels dug everywhere......

lunarchick - 09:56am Oct 7, 2000 EDT (#389 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

I'm meaning that the business of sustaining TheOrganisation consumes it's energy - just ticking over, leaving little energy to focus on the purposes it was established to achieved.

Nothing to do with ideology. Everything to do with vision and strategy.

Do people on their feet have more clout than 'established' organisations. Does a people march attract more media attention (thus educating and showing concern) than a formal organisation?

kalter.rauch - 08:10am Oct 8, 2000 EDT (#390 of 396)
Earth vs <^> <^> <^>

It attracts the media because the social contract says a march is a red flag signalling impending violence. Too bad US marches don't use drums and brass as in Europe......

lunarchick - 11:46am Oct 8, 2000 EDT (#391 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

US prides itself on its 'marching bands' ... don't these have real purpose?

lunarchick - 12:35pm Oct 8, 2000 EDT (#392 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

lunarchick - 07:31pm Oct 8, 2000 EDT (#393 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

The nuclear nightmare

Until dramatic anti-nuclear protests began in 1987, Orchid Island was considered a quiet, remote area. Since then, people around the world have learned how these islanders have lived with nuclear waste in their backyard, one island elder said.

"The nuclear waste has been our nightmare for decades and has caused many strange diseases and mental problems for our people," the elder said.

Islanders accuse Taipower and the Atomic Energy Council of lying to them in order to establish a nuclear waste storage site on the island in 1980. "They cheated us by saying they were going to build a can factory," the elder said.

According to island activists, there are currently about 96,000 barrels of nuclear waste stored on the island. Over 30,000 barrels have rusted, causing nuclear waste to leak. This is thought to be the main cause of both a high cancer death rate and birth defects affecting over 50 children.

lunarchick - 06:47am Oct 9, 2000 EDT (#394 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

lunarchick - 07:13am Oct 9, 2000 EDT (#395 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !


1. Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World - the need for a new Agenda, which will be submitted for the third year running.

2. The Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas resolution.

3. Convention on the prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons.

4. Follow-up to the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons.

5. Preservation an Compliance with the treaty on the Limitation of Anti Ballistic Missile System.

6. Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space.

7. Reducing the Nuclear Danger.

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