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    Missile Defense

Nazi engineer and Disney space advisor Wernher Von Braun helped give us rocket science. Today, the legacy of military aeronautics has many manifestations from SDI to advanced ballistic missiles. Now there is a controversial push for a new missile defense system. What will be the role of missile defense in the new geopolitical climate and in the new scientific era?

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lunarchick - 05:18pm Oct 1, 2000 EDT (#355 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

I don't know how the American System works ... or if indeed there IS a system ... regarding feedback to report quality failures in process.

If the saftey experts were not able to gain acknowledgement regarding the problem of the wire coating causing fires - in a civilian environment, then this raises the question as to how information is carried back up the line in a militaristic environment.

The diadactic of the joint Red Telephones will involve communications. What are the human communication systems here?

I note that on two occasions when Russia had red alerts they overrode them and chose to ignore them as false alarms ..... and a thank you to Russia for our still being here!

lunarchick - 05:26pm Oct 1, 2000 EDT (#356 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

I don't know how the American System works ... or if indeed there IS a system ... regarding feedback to report quality failures in process.

If the safety experts were not able to gain acknowledgement regarding the problem of the wire coating causing fires - in a civilian environment, then this raises the question as to how information is carried back up the line in a militaristic environment.

The didactic of the joint Red Telephones will involve communications. What are the human communication systems here?

I note that on two occasions when Russia had red alerts they overrode them and chose to ignore them as false alarms ..... and a thank you to Russia for our still being here!

On mass genocides it is said that the most efficient soldiers are the 'tradesmen'. These guys don't 'think' too hard. They are given orders and systematically carry them through. Killing is carried out effectively, efficiently and unmercilessly.

A second type of mass genocide killer is the child. The children of china were co-opted by the Chairman to 'kill' and undermine the middle class. The Children of Africa are forced to pull triggers in dirty wars. Children in third world, fifth rate wars can be seen to be charge of extremely sophisticated equipment ... the best their exchange dollars can buy!

A question regarding missiles ..... who really is in charge ..... one must assume that the red telephone didactic was a vaudeville charade for the media.

rshowalt - 11:07pm Oct 1, 2000 EDT (#357 of 396)

If controls get at all marginal, every group in every isolated silo, whether Russian or American, can fire. (Maybe I exaggerate, and "every" should really be something more moderate - say "almost every single one can fire".)

If a nuclear charge blows, on American or Russian soil, many if not most likely will fire, in fairly short order, ending the world as we know it.

Anybody want to contest this? In public? With videotape machines, and internet filings of fact part of the discussion? With a right to get witnesses to testify to facts? With a few resources brought to bear, I might put on a pretty good (nonlethal) demonstration of the key points.

In a sense that could be documented, and that has been documented to some extent, I've done that recently, and some people in charge of military policy know that, if reporting has been at all competent.

I've already blasted throught their key controls once.

Especially in the age of the internet, after a decade of degeneration in Russian forces, all our conforting illusions about the "controlled and failsafe manner" of our nuclear "safeguards" are just that - illusions. Indeed, willfull frauds.

More than thirty five years ago, the decision was made by us, and the Russians, that "if it is "use'em or lose'em" then we must not lose them." So our "failsafe" controls are built to be over-ridable, and are. My guess is that the Russian "failsafe" controls are no more ironclad than our own.

That decision is still in force today.

Nuclear weapons are prohibitively dangerous, and the people in control of them have been self deceptive, deceptive, and incompetent about these matters for too long.

As a matter of public safety, these weapon systems should be taken down ASAP. With sensible policies, this shouldn't take very long, or be very difficult. All valid military functions would be easier, not harder, with these obsolete and uncontrolled menaces removed.

If military officers consider themselves "deprived" if they can't commit the grossest kinds of war crimes, I'm not sympathetic.

These weapons need to be taken down. It would be nice to do it by Christmas.

lunarchick - 01:09am Oct 2, 2000 EDT (#358 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

How come these really important issues aren't taken up on the latenight talk shows?

lunarchick - 02:37am Oct 2, 2000 EDT (#359 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs ! & click links ..Hiroshima Peace Park

The first atomic bomb burst in the sky over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and raised the curtain on the tragedy of mankind's entrance into the Nuclear Age. It gave warning that the human race may destroy itself through war. It confronted us with the dilemma we are forced to resolve: "Which shall it be, War or Peace?"

For everyone on the face of the earth now compelled to live in the Nuclear Age, the experience of Hiroshima becomes both a waring and a foundation on which to build peace. We of this city deeply feel its awesome and historic meaning.

The knowledge and wisdom of all men must be gathered and employed to build eternal peace. The tremendous effort which men now expend on war shall be rechanneled into planning for and building a mutually supportive community

[A friend here last week noted there is a listing of all the missiles in the countries of the world - it seems Japan is not for these missiles! ]

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