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    Missile Defense

Nazi engineer and Disney space advisor Wernher Von Braun helped give us rocket science. Today, the legacy of military aeronautics has many manifestations from SDI to advanced ballistic missiles. Now there is a controversial push for a new missile defense system. What will be the role of missile defense in the new geopolitical climate and in the new scientific era?

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lunarchick - 09:48pm Sep 27, 2000 EDT (#318 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !


lunarchick - 09:54pm Sep 27, 2000 EDT (#319 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

lunarchick - 09:57pm Sep 27, 2000 EDT (#320 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

lunarchick - 10:01pm Sep 27, 2000 EDT (#321 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

lunarchick - 11:12pm Sep 27, 2000 EDT (#322 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

Trying to lie about Chernobyl backfired

lunarchick - 02:04am Sep 28, 2000 EDT (#323 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

Thomas Hobbes: (Leviathan); (paper); (paper);

lunarchick - 02:25am Sep 28, 2000 EDT (#324 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

Changing hearts: how to?

coldWar (1995IndiaPakistan);

rshowalt - 05:27am Sep 28, 2000 EDT (#325 of 396)

Hey blowhard .....

My God, how much better the world would run in there were more accomplished, graceful, effective liars like Bill Clinton.

Can Clinton jive you? Can he ever!

Can he set you up, so you have to rethink what you were sure of .... or set you up, so you're standing there flat footed while he gets a bill passed around you?

Sure can!

Boo !! Grow up.

AFTER ALL THE NEGOTIATION, HOW HONEST ARE THE END RESULTS? Not perfect, mind you, but how straight are the end results, considering what is actually possible?

With exceptions we all know, that shouldn't weigh so much in the balance, they stand up very well.

The country is running so well, because people are working together in more open, effective communicating and cooperation patterns than before, and William Jefferson Clinton's negotiating skills are a big part of it.

He'll negotiate you up down, sideways, over under around and through, and quickly. Often enough leaving you either smiling or spluttering after the fact. He's not a tongue tied oaf, like W.

But look how things end up, when the deals are struck!

This country could use more gifted liars like Bill Clinton. And it could benefit from learning how human negotiation actually happens, and has to happen.

Blowhard, I think you, and people who think like you, should be ashamed.

With sincere disgust and disrespect for your person, and those you hold dear if they are low-lifes like you, I am, sincerely,

M.Robert Showalter

lunarchick - 07:15am Sep 28, 2000 EDT (#326 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

lunarchick - 07:37am Sep 28, 2000 EDT (#327 of 396)
Barrier Reef - not the place4 - NUKE SUBs !

Politician;lies$44 [By definition, a politician in modern day America must treat the truth like an elastic band.]

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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  / Missile Defense

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