Adults need secrets, lies and fictions

To live within their contradictions

But when things go wrong

And knock about

Folks get together

And work it out

. . . . . Suggestion for a nursery rhyme.

If I was free of security limitations - or had clear limitations, and that was in writing, or otherwise clearly checkable then I could interact with people in workable ways - for collaborations and business relationships that fit real needs, in real circumstances.

I need workable answers to both the following questions:

. . . How can I pay you enough?

...... How can I thank you enough?

for both, I need workable credentialing. Credentialing that may be limited, but

that does not confront people with unacceptable conflicts and risks.

Example: The Missile Defense Archive CD disk - as "sample and credentials."

Could I give it

to foundations,

to professional associates,

to the Wisconsin delegation,

to University professors and professionals

- - and refer to things in it safely?

Contacts within the University:

If I need chaperoning, can I hire a police escort, for the limited contacts I'd actually need with some key people?

Sharon Dunwoody

Gary Price

Mimi Bloch

Robin Chapman

and WARF

Can I tell what I regard to be the truth (subject to the usual risks regarding good faith and fraud) to U.W. neuroscientists so that we might have workable collaborations? Without fictions (or without unsustainable fictions that do harm.) I can't impersonate a conventionally trained Ph.D. neuroscientist or mathematician. I know I'd need funding - but if I can tell the truth, I think I can raise it.

Operational Fact:

If I can't get debriefed by the government - I have strong reasons to try to get foundation funding so that I can be debriefed on a private basis. Work on NYT forums - especially the Missile Defense forum -- offers a coordinated and extensive body of checkable points.

I want to get the AEA investors paid as they should be, and back pay for myself if that can be arranged. I feel justified in pursuing this.

I think my needs can be served well, meeting the needs of others as well.

Priority ordering for me: National interest . . . NYT interest . .

scientific community interest . . . U.W. interest . . . my own

interest. I come last in priority, but I matter, too.

Sometimes, for all sorts of reasons, a person has to be able to communicate with other people.